I hate myself

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Me and Jaden came out as dating and I've been getting hate so I call nessa crying in the bathroom
Nessa- baby what's wrong
Paige- the hate babe I hate it so much
Nessa- what hate
Paige- the hate him getting for dating Jaden
Nessa- babes what are they saying
Paige- they are in my tiktok go look
She goes on pause
Nessa- no I'm not fucking standing for this shit
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
Nessa Barrett commented on your tiktok
I go and look and it's her going off on everybody and then i hear her typing and then Jaden knocks on the door after she's done typing and she hangs up and texts me
I'm sorry i had to tell him babe
I understand
Jaden opens the door and walks in and sees my mascara all over my face and he runs over to me and squats in front of me
Jaden- baby what's wrong
Paige- in tired of the hate baby ever since everything came out about me and you dating I've been getting it and it's starting to make me hate myself lovely
Jaden- baby listen to me whatever they are saying about you fuck them ok they don't fucking know you like i do my love I love everything about you your beautiful with and without makeup your sweet and your my best friend I would do anything for you and you would do anything for me baby go off social media for awhile I will too just for you
Paige- ok
I hug him and he kisses my head
Jaden- i love you
Paige- i love you too
Jaden- now let's go lay in bed baby so we can both go to sleep ok
Paige- ok
He picks me up and we go to his bed and he wipes my eyes and we lay down and he whispers sweet things in my ear and then i end up falling asleep with him kissing my head and then i wake up to him having a makeup wipe and he's taking my mascara off
Paige- what are you doing
Jaden- shhh go back to sleep baby
Paige- ok I love you
Jaden- i love you too
He kisses me and i kiss him back and then fall back to sleep

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