Your my therapy

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I walk in me and Jaden's house in tears
Jaden- what's wrong baby are you ok
Paige- let's start from Monday until today
Back to Monday
Charli- Paige we can't be friends anymore your way too obsessed with Jaden
Paige- char
Charli- no you don't get to call me that anymore everybody is sick and tired of you only focusing on Jaden you don't hang out with us anymore and when you do hang out with us Jaden is either tagging along or your texting him the entire time or you leave early to be with him it's annoying
Dixie- charli why do you gotta be such a bitch you do the same thing with Landon
Charli- oh the fuck well
Dixie- only charli is getting tired of it boo trust me I love that your this happy
Paige- char we've been friends for three years charli- yeah well it's over with leave my house
I start crying and I leave but I don't go home because Jaden can't see me crying so I js drive around LA for while until I stop crying and then I go home fix my makeup and put eyes drops in my eyes and I walk in the house
Paige- IM HOME
He runs downstairs and hugs me and asks me how my day was and I said good and then I ask him and then we go lay down and watch movies until we both fall asleep
I woke up to having to throw up so I ran to the bathroom and sit down beside the toilet and I pull my hair back and start throwing up to the point that Jaden is in the bathroom asking if I'm ok
Paige- n-
I throw up again and Jaden leaves and doesn't come back for 20 minutes and by then I'm done throwing up and I'm js in the bathroom
Jaden- baby this is the third day in a row that you've thrown up in the morning take a pregnancy test
Paige- ok
I take one and we wait and it says positive and I cry
I woke up to my phone ringing so I answer it and it's my mom
Rachel- hi honey
Paige- what mom
Rachel- your grandma died this morning
Paige- what
Rachel- in so sorry sweetie I know you loved her
Paige- when's her funeral
Rachel- next week
Paige- ok me and Jaden will be down in a few days
Rachel- ok honey I love you
Paige- I love you too
She hangs up and I throw my phone and it causes Jaden to wake up
Jaden- baby are you ok
I js look at him and start crying and he sits up and js hugs me and then a few days later we go down for her funeral and I cry more than me and my whole family combined and that's a lot of fucking people
I keep getting my tiktoks taken down for no reason and I finally got banned like permanently and I can't get my account back so I have to restart and make a whole new one and it sucks cause I had a lot of followers on my last one and videos of my grandma and all my baby cousins and I can't get them back
I woke up to having blood around my legs
Paige- Jaden
He moves a little
Paige- Jaden
He moves more
Paige- JADEN
Jaden- mhm what
Paige- the baby
Jaden- what's wrong
Paige- we gotta go to the hospital I'm bleeding
Jaden- let's go
I get up slowly and we go to the hospital and they told us that we miscarried and we both cry
I came home early because I got fired from my job and I've been crying since I got home and Jaden comfortable
That Sunday
I woke up thinking that I was gonna have a good day but boy was I wrong I went to the mall to get Christmas gifts and I got drinks thrown at me for a stupid fucking rumor going around so I couldn't even get Christmas gifts so
I walk in me and Jaden's house in tears
Jaden- what's wrong baby are you ok
Paige- no I've had a shitty week Jaden
Jaden- baby why
Paige- I don't know Jaden maybe because I lost one of my best friends I found out I was pregnant then I miscarried my grandma died and I got fired from my fucking job Jaden oh and I just got drinks thrown at me today for that rumor
Jaden- I know baby I know but listen you can overcome all of this baby I promise you you wanna know why
Paige- why
Jaden- because I'm here with you every step of the way I'm gonna help you get into therapy baby
Paige- babe I don't need therapy
Jaden- why
Paige- because your my therapy
Jaden- baby you need it especially for the miscarriage
Paige- babe your my therapy you said it yourself you gonna be with me through everything
Jaden- yes I will I'll be your therapy my love
Paige- you already are babe
He hugs me and we lay in bed for the rest of the day

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