Im going to Sam and Colby's for a video

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I stop watching tv and i start getting ready to go with Sam and Colby
Paige- bye babe I'm going to do this collab Jaden- ok i love you
Paige- I love you too
I kiss him bye and then i get in my car and drive to Sam and Colby's apartment building and I go to Colby's apartment and i knock and Colby opens the door and i see Sam colby Jake and Corey in the living room and Sam and Colby start talking about how we are going to the Stanley and what time we have to wake up and everything
Paige- y'all are buying IHOP because I love my sleep
Jake- yeah we know
I flick him off
Corey- ok can y'all like stop
I flip him off too and we go upstairs and do research and I sit beside Sam and jake and  they start reading everything off
Colby- this placed is based of the movie the shining
Jake leans over
Jake- redrum redrum
Corey- or bluerum
Sam- yeah we're not discriminating here
I laugh and Sam shows us what it looks like and starts talking about misses Wilson
Corey- misses wwwwilson
And he talks about an explosion and then shows a picture of misses Wilson
Jake- she's hot for an old lady
I look at him and smack him and he smiles and then colby starts talking about a girl named Lucy and how she likes lollipops
Jake- imagines just sitting there eating a lollipop and someone just licks it
Colby- a one a two a three
Paige- and then she just eats it
Jake- i will throw down on Lucy
Sam- your gonna throw down on a thirteen year old girl
they say a psychic is coming and then we walk downstairs and Sam and colby leave and me jake and Corey talk until they come back up and then they come back up with the physic and she tells us to turn on normal lights and we all sit on the couch and she does whatever a psychic does
Psychic- y'all need to wear green it will help protect y'all because it's shows A symbol of family
Colby- next video y'all are gonna see me looking like a leprechaun
And then she gets Corey's hand and they make him talk about the shadow man that he hates and after that she did me and she said I shouldn't go because I will get hurt and I said ok but I'm still gonna go cause it seems fun but scary she then gets up tells us all bye and she hugs us and tells us to get in a circle and Jake puts his hand in wax and we make fun of him and then I hold Corey and Jakes hand and she says some stuff then she leaves and Colby asks if me and Corey are scared and Sam thinks Corey's stuff is bullshit and so he gets defensive
Corey- of course it is Sam why the fuck would I lie about that
Corey storms out
I leave and then i to back to Jaden and i go to sleep and i set my alarms for tomorrow and I wake up at 2am and i get dressed into a green crop top and blue jeans and i pack an overnight bag for this trip and then i leave and i send Jaden a text message and i meet them at their car and we put our bags in the car and then go and get food and then get on the plane
The seat order
First row
Second row
Corey, Paige (you), Jake
Paige's POV
we get off the plane In Colorado and they start joking around
Corey- why does your family Live in the Stanley hotel
Colby- my house the shining
Paige- your mom is misses Wilson
Corey- here's Colby
We get in another Uber and I'm sitting very close to Corey and Sam because there's no where else to sit and Colby tells the guy where and he drops us off there after telling us stories and we get in a circle and pray I guess when jake and Colby start moaning
Colby- oh Stanley
Jake- oh Stanley
And then we play ring around the Rosie and then Sam falls
Corey- she said don't make fun of the ghost and we already pissed them off
We start walking
Colby- did you just have an orgasm
Paige- yeah he had a haunted orgasm
They start at talking about a picture that went viral and then we check in and joke around and then we walk up the stairs and I jump on sams back and we look at pictures
Sam- the guy at the front said everything is open at 3 am so we can go to the concert hall
Colby- let's go to it after we explore
I get off sams back and he walks up the stairs and goes down the rail and falls and then me and him go off and we see a picture that looks like the four of them and we show the boys and they laugh and then Sam points the mirror and then Corey and Jake look back and see room 217 and we take a picture before we freak out and then we go to the door and they talk about Shane Dawson and Stephen king and then Jake drinks water out of someone's glass in the hallway and we all bitch at him and then we go outside
Colby- there's a neighborhood right behind it
Paige- imagine living near the Stanley hotel😂
And then Sam starts talking about the hauntings and then we went back to room 217 and me and Corey saw the janitor room light cuts on and we tell the group and Sam checks it out and turns out it was the janitor and then they start cracking Jokes about the ghost and everything and then we go back to the first floor
Paige- guys there's like a vortex right here
Jake- oh my god your right
Colby- yeah because like the pictures are mirroring each other other then there's the mirrors
Sam- oh shit your right
Paige- yeah I know I'm right
We walk outside and Jake and Colby start running around and they start saying redrum and then we go to the concert hall and walk through it and then we walk out and see butterfly's
Colby- I'm turning gay
Corey- they are like everybody go fuck go fuck
We keep walking and they keep making sex jokes and questioning their sexuality and everything and then we walk back into the hotel and and employee told us his story and showed us hand prints on the mirror and how they were like little girl hand prints and then once we are done with that as we are walking to our room we see a helleypad and Corey goes up there and then he sees it's locked and then he gets down and Colby points out a lollipop and Jake goes up there and he hits his head on the way up and falls
Paige- are you ok
I run to him
Jake- I'm fine
Colby- awe she's worried
Paige- fuck off i care about people
He laughs and then Jake goes up there and gets the lollipop and eats it and they start talking about Lucy and the seance great we're doing a seance just what I need after the lady said I can't be here and we're doing a seance I guess my safety doesn't matter and then we hear a door slam at the end and we look
Paige- fuck that let's go
Jake- yeah ok
He hands Corey his book bag with our clothes in it and I get on his back and we walk and then we get in the elevator and go to the fourth floor
Sam- we are in room 428
Jake walks to the door and I get off his back and he stands at the door and he punches Colby and then Colby punches his harder and Jake lifts his hoodie up
Paige- damn colbs you left a red mark on jake
Jake- and on the sheep god damn it colby
We laugh and I unlock the door and we walk in and it smells like old woman
Corey- it smells like old lady in here
Jake- ew you smell that 
Paige- yeah what about you Sammy
Sam- yep
Jake walks to the bathroom and I sit on the bed and then so does Colby and then Jake does too and we just sit there and then Jake gets up and goes to the closet and pulls out an ironing board
Jake- woah cool they have a surf board in here
Colby- and they have narnia in here
Corey gets behind the thing and then gets stuck
Paige- Colbs it's just a damn tv
Sam- we can go to a whole different dimension
Sam starts judging the room and then Corey opens the window and they start talking about misses Wilson again and then Corey starts getting calls from no caller ID again and Corey declines it but they call again and he answers it and they keep calling and Corey answers it and there's nothing and then they call again and Jake answers
Jake- this margret
Colby- no this is Patrick
Paige- shush hoe
It goes silent
Jake- please don't call this number again
Jake then hang up and we all get freaked out and I think it's a fan and then they call again
Paige- my turn
Jake hands me the phone and I talk into it
Paige- if you call this number one more time I'm gonna call the police don't contact this number again
I then hang up and then Sam starts talking about the device that he got that we can talk to spirits and Colby walks into the bathroom and it stinks
Colby- brother did y'all shit in the bathroom or something
We then heard something in the closet and then Corey says we need a speaker and me and Corey talk to it and it says he's coming right now
Corey- is someone in the room with us
It's silent and then it says hey and then it goes static
Colby- are you still with us in the room
Its silent for a few seconds and then it goes to music and then Jake calls it a pussy
Paige- stop it jake
Jake- sorry I was just joking
And then Corey starts talking to it and then it says a storm is coming your way and Corey freaks out and Sam starts talking about what we need and then it sounds like a scratch outside and I open the door and nothing is there what the fuck and then I walk back in and we go and get more food and then we go to sleep until I was woken up from hearing a slam in the door and then the boys woke up and I get my phone and film and tell the fans about it and Corey tries to recreate it and it sounds the same and then Corey opens the door and there's no other room beside us so like what the fuck and then we open the door and they are shaking and then me and Colby go in there and it's freezing and then we put our hands out and it's cold we then hear a thud and I go check it out
Paige- bro there's nothing what the fuck
I start shaking
Jake- calm down it's ok
Sam- we've only been back from our dinner for 10 minutes and then this shit happens like we went to the store and got a speaker we hear a noise and Colby gets naked and Jake covers my eyes
Jake- young eyes
Paige- bitch I'm 20 years old I've walked in on him jerking off before I'm good
I move his hand and Colby gets dressed and then we hear a noise and he gets in the bed with Jake and then Corey is terrified
Skip to later that night
Jake is just sleeping on the bed when I turn around and Sam and Colby are planning something and then Sam hands Colby the camera and he gets in the closet and shuts it and that wakes Corey and Jake up and Sam walks out the closet
Corey- so Sam finally came out the closet
I laugh and then Colby puts his hand on jakes dick and he turns around
Jake- I just felt something touch my dick
Paige- who
Jake- I don't know
Colby- I'll kill em
Jake- do it you won't
He fakes killing himself
Jake- you did it
Colby- yeah who else would touch your dick
He looks at Corey
Corey- you weren't supposed to tell anyone jakeypoo
Jake acts like he's gonna kiss Corey
Sam- y'all stop this is serious
Corey- ok whatever
It starts getting dark and we walk around and me hands and now we are going to talk to ghost and jake talks to it says I don't care and then it starts talking about the door and it says it is real and then we go talk to the woman again and yeah and then we go to room 217 and we keep hearing knocks and it says get off the property and we get up and me someone walks up to us and tells us about the helley pad and we take the camera and go up there and it says redrum
Paige- broooo it says redrum
We walk and then this random girl walks up to us
Jenifer- I'm sorry
Sam- yeah
Jenifer- I feel like I've seen you guys somewhere
Sam- we do like YouTube and stuff
Jenifer- did you do videos before that
Colby- vine
Jenifer- yeah vine I seen y'all at oak park mall
Sam- wait what yeah. Yeah, we like lived in the really look in, Kansas
Jenifer- yeah Kansas
Colby- what part of Kansas
Jenifer- lee wood
Sam- that's where we're from
Colby- that's crazy
Jenifer- I was like I've seen them at oak park mall everyday
Sam- oh my god, that's cool. Yeah we're just here filming a video
Jenifer- for what
Paige- for Stanley we heard it haunted like obviously
Sam whispers in my ear
Sam-stop it
Paige-I'm going back to the room
Corey- what's wrong with you
I like to say things straight up
Paige- she's fucking weird I'm not doing this shit
I start going back to the room when I feel someone grab my arm
Sam- stop your staying
Paige- you can't fucking make me
Sam- fine you wanna go back up to the room go I don't give a fuck what you do
I walk up to our room and sit on the bed and then something scratches me and I run out the room and they are standing right there
Jake- why are you out the room
I show him my leg
Sam- yo what the fuck that's a huge gash
Paige- I should've never came
Sam- don't say that I'm glad your here
then we walk back to the vortex and then we go back to he concert hall and she disappears and we see a lot of things to where the last time we walk out me and Corey saw something that we didn't want to see and then that girl was crying and then we go back mad Colby asks her to make weird faces and then we go back up the stairs and he hands her his phone and she puts her number in and then we go back in the room and that's my chance to yell at him
Paige- why would you tell her to text you
Colby- she helped us
Paige- Colby she was weird as fuck she left like 20 times the whole time
Jake- I have to agree
Colby- your just agreeing because it's your sisters best friend
Jake- that's not it
Paige- yeah that's not it colby she was weird
Colby- she was from Kansas
Paige- ok you don't see me and Corey giving people from Florida our number like
Colby- but she's from somewhere we know me Sam and Jake
Paige- that doesn't matter Colby she gave me weird fucking vibes and I made that very clear Colby maybe y'all should listen to me
Corey- ok stop arguing and let's wait for the seance
Paige- fine but I'm going to take a shower
Colby- ok
I grab clothes and i get in the shower and then once I get out i get dressed
And I lay on the bed and i text Jaden and let him know how everything is so far and then they start the camera and me and Corey are in the bathroom and Sam is just talking about the seance when he turns to Corey and me
Sam- are y'all ready to summon some demons and cowboys
Corey Shuts the door with his foot and we talk for a few seconds we open the door and Colby is talking about the psychic
Sam- wait I put on green I'm saved brother
Corey- so sams the safe one
Colby- wait when the psychic read Sam she said he was safe so you wanna give me those
Sam- I think we should just start
Corey goes and lays on the bed and I sit on the floor
Corey- I don't want to do this I don't do this shit
We start going over everything so yeah Colby goes and gets the candles and light them and then we do the lollipops and then Sam talks about the red lipstick
Sam- remember we got red lipstick we can write redrum
Paige- Sam everybody is saying In the comments your the weird one in the group and I'm starting to believe them
Colby- yeah like why would you want to do that
Jake- I think we should do it
Sam- see Jake wants to do it why doesn't people say shit about him
I give him a look
Jake- ok nevermind
Sam and Colby go in the bathroom and write redrum
Colby- I don't know why we did that but it feels right
Sam- now your being weird what the fuck
And then they take a picture and then they put candles in a circle and then Sam puts the salt around the candle and Colby sets some things up and then Colby gets some sage and we walk outside and Colby's sages us and then we go back in and some of the lollipops are moved and they tell the camera when I feel something on my back and it's none of the boys and I just leave it because it could just be my imagination
Sam- come they're here we have to start
They set up the camera and then cut it off  and then all of us sit in a circle besides Corey because he isn't doing it and he's made that very clear......... it's time to summon demons
Colby- I'm just gonna say this now we did move some lollipops to get them in the angle better
Sam- we've got two cameras One right there
Sam- *points* *turns around* 
Sam- and one right there *points*
I got up and plugged my phone and the lights flickered and they all turned
Paige- what I just plugged my phone in
Jake- don't scare us like that
Paige- sorry jake
I sit down beside Jake while he lights the candles and Corey sits on the bench at the end of the bed and then Corey got up and he heard a noise
Corey- what was that
Colby- that was the blanket the blanket moved
Paige- no it didn't
Colby- it just did
Corey- can we go bro we haven't lit all the candles and then shit starts happening
Sam- we're just starting
Paige- Corey we literally traveled across state
Corey- I don't care we need to go
Paige- Corey take a fucking chill pill we haven't even been here a full night
He keeps going on and on and on about shit and we are telling him to calm down but he won't
He sits down
Corey- how long are we doing it for
Sam- each one of us ask 1 question
Paige- yeah I saw the water rippling
Paige- you shut up
He goes quiet
Corey- it did it again
Sam- because I just moved it
Corey- no as you touched the floor
Sam- yeah because I made it move
Corey- ok ok
Sam keeps asking questions to make sure everything is still in place and we all say yes and I hold jakes hand colby holds my hand Colby holds sams hands too and Sam holds jakes hands and we start asking questions but before we do we hear a knock and Corey freaks out
Corey- dude can we stop because that was in the fucking closet
Jake- why isn't when we hear things we should keep going
Sam- yeah let's do this
We start the seance
Sam- where not trying to summon anything bad only good ok guys
All- yep
Paige- can we do what psychic said take deep breaths
Sam- yeah 
We do that and then start asking questions
Jake- we just want to know from what we heard was that a ghost or spirits
We all look around and don't hear anything
Sam- wait I forgot Lucy likes lollipops and doors so Corey can you open both of those door
Corey- no *laughs*
Paige- Corey I love you but just open the fucking door
Corey- fine
He gets up and opens the door and sits back down and then Sam asks a question
Sam- spirit or presence we we know your here honest look we've been hearing all day we heard that there is a man in here cowboy Lucy being on the fourth floor moving lollipops like you move some stuff in our own we know you're he just please give us a sign
We wait a few seconds and then we don't hear anything so Colby says something
Colby- you move the lollipops we heard you earlier when we were relaxing it's not time to joke around use our energy show us your hear we came here for a reason we're try to help you guys out we don't want to disturb you we just want to talk so if something is here give us a sign don't be scared
We wait a few seconds and then we hear a slam
Paige- ok now I agree with Corey fuck that
Corey- can we go like no shit can we go
Colby- yeah I'm out too no
Me and Colby get up
Jake- y'all ask for a sign and then we leave
Sam- yeah I agree we need to keep going it's an old building it's gonna creek
Paige- I mean yeah I guess your right
Colby- yeah I mean the windows are open the fans on
Sam- yeah there's been many creeks in this room so it's just the building
We keep going on and we eventually stop and then they close the doors and we get back in a circle except for Corey again
Jake- your turn
Paige- I know you touched my back when we walked back inside if there's a spirit or presences here can you do it again
We wait a few seconds then I feel something on my back
Paige- sweetie was that you
Jake- do what hunny
Paige- touch my back
Jake- no
Paige- did you colbs
Colby- no
Paige- Corey
Corey- no
Paige- ok it's here
Colby- Corey your turn
Corey- fine but this is the last time
Sam- yeah of course it is
Corey- this is the last question we for have for whatever is in this room so if there is anything here give us a sign
Right after he says that we hear a bang in the closet and Corey run out the door and Sam follows after him and we run downstairs and they run after us and we are outside now and talking when Jake gets cold
Jake- it's cold Im going to get my hoodie Paige you wanna come
Paige- yeah let's go
We run inside and go back in the room and we get us some hoodies and go back down and the staff stops us
Tom-we've been getting noise complaints from guests saying you people are being loud if y'all don't quiet down y'all are gonna have to leave
Paige-ok thank you
We walk outside and they are still talking about everything and we tell them everything
Corey-were they complaining about us or was he saying on our floor
Paige- no like he was saying you people brother
Jake- like we are the ones making noise
Paige- so we came up with what if they were hearing the same thing we were hearing
Sam- damn that means they heard what we heard
Corey's face just goes to shock and we are all freaked out so we just go back upstairs and we are gonna be quiet so we walk back up the room and talk about what happened and me and Jake lay down on the bed Colby's standing Corey's sitting on the bench and Sam is sitting on a chair near the closet and we just keep talking until I fall asleep texting Jaden
they decide that we need to cut the camera off for the night and sleep and if anything happens they will turn the camera back on and we will just talk about everything in the morning and they say bye to the camera and cut it off and go to sleep
We all wake up the next morning and get dressed and I do my makeup and we all sit on the bed then then they cut the cameras on and we talk about our dreams
Sam- I had a dream that Colby and you *points to Corey* that y'all were running and I couldn't catch up
Colby- what
We all look at him
Sam- yeah
Corey- I don't really remember my dreams I just woke up three times last night
Paige- what the fuck
Corey- yeah I know right
Jake- what was your dream
Paige- Jaden cheated on me
Sam- Jake what was yours about
Jake- i don't remember
Colby- well damn
Paige- what about you colbs
Colby- I was just stuck in a hallway it felt like forever
Paige- it's crazy how y'all have these dreams only in this hotel
Jake- yeah I know right
We talk about the noises
Colby- I didn't hear any noises I mean I heard the vent creek sometimes but that's about it
Paige- I heard Jake snoring
Corey- Paige like paranormal
Paige- yeah I know
Corey- whatever
And then we talk about the mrs. Wilson ghost how we left stuff out for her and nothing happened to the stuff and then we check the camera footage and then they cut the camera back on and we go to the Jenifer girl who is still very weird and we walk downstairs and go to the breakfast place that's in the hotel and tell her everything and then we go outside we say bye to her and hug her and then we all take a group picture
Corey- thanks for almost making me poop my pants
We laugh
Jenifer- if you wanna poop your pants again I have a place y'all could go
Paige- and where could that possibly be
Jenifer- it's called witches forest
Colby- we'll think about it
Jenifer- ok let me know
She leaves and Sam and Colby go back up there and talk to the camera and I jump on Jakes back and the Corey gets me and Jakes bag and his and then Sam and Colby finish up there and we leave and go back to the apartments after getting off the plane the Uber drops Corey off at home and then me Sam colby and Jake go back to their apartments and I get in my car and i go and get more food for me and Jaden and i walk in the house and he's waiting at the door for me and he picks me up and hugs me and then we eat and go lay down and we go to sleep because i had a long long long long flight and weekend

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