Phantom Vs Fairy

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Fairytail were currently fighting Phantom Lord as they waited for Natsu, Gray, and Elfman to destroy the Jupiter Cannon. Jose had sent Phantom Soldiers to keep the Fairies busy and to keep Erza from rushing towards them. As for the two targets of Phantom Lord, Satoru and Lucy were inside the Fairy Tail guild with Mira watching over them. Mira was currently wrapping bandages around Satoru's face as they stood back to wait.

"How many minutes until the cannon fires off another projectile?" Asked Lucy as she sat quietly.

"10 minutes. Natsu and the others haven't taken down the crystal from the inside." Said Mira as she finished the bandages.

"Thanks." Thanked Satoru.

"Don't worry. I'm used to this from our team ups." Said Mira.

Satoru and Mira looked at each other as they awkward and slowly turned their faces. They sat quietly next to each other, as Lucy looked up and noticed how tense they were with one another.

 They sat quietly next to each other, as Lucy looked up and noticed how tense they were with one another

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"So... I know it's a bad timing with this entire war going on, but do you two have a thing going on?" Asked Lucy with curiosity.

Mira blushed as Satoru slowly processed what Lucy just asked. Satoru's face flashed red as he immediately responded.

"NO!!!" Shouted Satoru out of reaction.

Mira then slowly turned her head as Satoru realized what his reaction implied.

"Well I didn't mean it like that, but no. Me and Mira aren't a thing." Explained Satoru carefully.

"Exs maybe?" Asked Lucy.

"Lucy, please. Don't make this room more awkward than it has to be." Said Satoru as he was about to lay his head low.

" Said Satoru as he was about to lay his head low

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"So you two did you two ever have a fling." Asked Killua smugly.

Satoru and Mira immediately reacted.

"NO!" Said Mira and Satoru.

"A one-night stand?" Asked Killua.

"I'm going to kill you if you don't shut the hell up!" Threatened Satoru.

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