chapter 1

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Disclaimer: Carl is 13 instead of 12 along with annabelle

Annabelle milkovich

I met Carl along time ago. Only recently I've seen him in a different light.

I was walking along the L finding a spot to sit. I saw a boy a little bit away from where I sat. I had seen him before.

I just looked down at the view below me. Tears staining my cheeks,sniffling every now and then.i heard the boy move and sit next to me.

"Joint and an ear for your troubles?"the boy offered.

I sniffled in whipping my tear stained face. I took the joint from his hand lighting it.

Carl's pov

I heard someone sit down nearby and I looked seeing her. Annabelle milkovich. If you hadn't already heard about her their was something the matter. The most beautiful girl out their they say. You would cherish her with everything but. Milkovich. No one talks to the milkovichs.

She was wearing a black t-shirt with a cartoon bunny with xs drawn for the eyes along with some plaid red pajama pants.

As I looked at her I noticed her tear stained cheeks her lip busted followed by a black eye as I looked down her frail figure i saw bruises on her arms along with a slight tremor.

I got up and sat next to her as she sat down.

"Joint and an ear for your troubles"I offered

She took it gently.

Everyone knew she smoked and dabbled in teenage stuff.

"Why should I tell you your nothing but a Gallagher."

"And your just a milkovich."I responded

She let out a short sigh.

"Sometimes I wish I was just a Gallagher your sneaky and good at hiding. Milkovich however are not they are just as good at seeking."she said puffing on the joint,"I wish I didn't look like my mum either. I wish I shut up. I wish I was good at hiding. I wish I-"her voice cracked from tears.

"Anna?"I said as I felt her clutch my hand.

"I wish he didn't mistake me for mom."

My heart sunk worse than the Titanic. I sunk to depths I didn't even know were there. My heart throbbed hearing those words bringing tears to my eyes.

I embraced her in a warm hug.

Her sobs Loudening her tears soaking my shirt as I wrapped my jacket around her.

We sat there for hours. She had eventually fallen asleep so I carried her back to my house. I gently placed her in my bed.

"I'm sorry."I said quietly

She stirred softly as I went to exit.

"Carl!"she said. I turned around facing her."p-please don't l-leave me I can't be alone right now."

I gave her a nod took off my shirt and climbed into bed. She snuggled into my chest her warm breath making the hairs on my back raise. I softly traced circles on her back as she fell asleep eventually cuddling her and nodding off.

I heard he mumbled a thank you before we both fell into a deep sleep

Season 5 present time
Annabelle's pov

I was woken up to the sound of a bat crying I angrily opened my eyes confused.i took in my surroundings realising I was at Mickey's place.

I stood up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and making my way to the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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