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A New Family

As the two red hairs arrived at their manshon, they were greeted by a butler named Elzer, he would stand outside the door along with some of the maids ready to take the luggage

Elzer: welcome back mast-... ters?

Elzer said as if he said it countless of times, but it seems that this time, he was shocked because he was greeted by his young master Diluc carrying a little girl on his arms, he had many questions but Crepus gave him a look that said "no questions until we're inside" so he had to keep to himself and decided to help the others take the luggage inside

Once they were inside, Diluc ordered one of the maids to prepare a room, while Crepus told Elzer to call a doctor

Crepus: Elzer quick, call a doctor!

Moments later, the doctor arrived only to confirm that the girl only have a cold and nothing else, which gave the two a sigh of relief. After the doctor left, Crepus sat down on the bed where y/n slept peacefully, then suddenly the tension in the air suddenly dropped and Diluc and Elzer could only breath with cold sweat because they have never seen the Crepus Ragnvindr himself this serious, well, they have but he was only serious if he's inside in a room full of nobles

Crepus: you're gonna be a father from now on cuz you're gon' adopt that kid...well maybe after we got her name and age it's official

He said  shrugging off as the tension disappeared while he pretends to inspect his nails as Diluc went wide eyed with shock as soon as he heard that, even Elzer stopped pouring tea on Diluc's cup and looked at him as if he had grown two extra heads

Crepus: why are you looking at me like that?, it's not my fault that you have not yet married and not yet given me any grandchildren

He then wipe a fake tear as he placed a strand of hair that is covering y/n's face behind her ear while Diluc stared at him in disbelief

Crepus: plus, isn't she adorable!

He said as he fangirled like a high school girl after seeing her crush while Diluc and Elzer was dumb founded by Crepus's action because the have not seen his father/his master act like this as Diluc gave him a "WTF" look

After that, Crepus then left seeing as he he's other matters to attend to, leaving Diluc alone with y/n as he contemplates about what his father said and even considering it since it'll be a good choice to adopt her only to lessen the everyday marriage proposal since some of the girls didn't like someone who already had kids

Time Skip

When y/n woke up feeling energized she was greeted by a fancy ceiling, she  decided to sat up while stretching the went unnoticed by a maid in the room who was preparing something

Maid: oh! You've awoken!...easy now you're still recovering

The maid then walked towards her and introduced herself with a bow

Mila: my name is Mila, I'll be the one attending you from now on

Y/n: ...attending...me...?

Y/n tilted her head to the side

Mila: 'oh my archons, why did no one told me that the young lady was this cute!!'   ahem* it means I'll be your maid from now on.

Mila fangirled inwardly but quickly composed as she didn't want her first impression to the young lady to be weird

Y/n: ...but I can take cere of myself

Mila: I know that my lady can take care of herself...hmm...let's just say that I'm helping my lady every day!

Y/n: you're helping me every day?...

Mila: mhhm...why don't we have a change of clothes I'm sure the ones you are wearing right now is still damped, so my lady can have lunch

Y/n nodded and went to the bathroom with Mila assisting her with everything

Moments later, y/n went to the dining room with Mila following and was greeted by three people, two of them have red hair with one of them older than the other and one blue hair with an eye patch

Kaeya: so the little one that Diluc is adopting, hi! little one I'm uncle Kaeya the one sitting on the right is uncle Diluc and the one sitting on the middle is gramps Crepus...so...what's your name?

Kaeya walked towards and introduced himself while squatting down to her level as y/n looked down as she found the floor interesting

Diluc: Kaeya, I said I'm GOING to adopt her not already adopted and we have not yet introduced ourselves...well...except you since you already done it

Diluc said while using a napkin after finishing his meal as Kaeya stood up and took Y/n's hand and sat her beside him as the maids placed food in front of her

Kaeya: I know that...that's why I used "Uncle" and "Grandpa" to call ourselves

Crepus: I can't believe I'm being called grandpa right now...Diluc am I... really that old?

Diluc deadpanned because his father is being dramatic again while y/n already started eating but not without giving a small preyer before eating

Kaeya: anyways...what's your name and how old are you? I heard that uncle Diluc here is adopting you

Kaeya asked curiously as he rested his chin on his hands that was supported by his elbows as y/n stopped eating and looked towards Kaeya to answer him

Y/n: ...m-my name is y/n...and I'm turning 6 in a few months from now...a-and what do you mean adopting me?

Kaeya: well...I as always be uncle Kaeya, Diluc over there with be your father and dad will be your grandpa and we'll be a happy family isn't that great!

Kaeya smiled and the two red hairs smiled to but then suddenly tears fell from the little girl's face and Kaeya realized this suddenly panicked

Kaeya: I- uhh...h-here, have some of this cake!

He said as pulled a slice of cake on a small plate towards him placed it close to y/n so she could reach it as y/n wiped the tears away but it was hopeless

Crepus: Kaeya your not helping!

Crepus deadpan at the hopeless act of Kaeya from the crying girl as him and Diluc walked towards the girl

Kaeya: that's because I don't know how to deal with kids!?

Y/n: hic* s-sorry...I- it's just that hic* m-my d-daddy was hurt so hic* b-badly t-that hic* a-and he told m-me to r-run away hic*and I-I was so scared...uwahh*

Y/n cried as Crepus took the crying girl to hug her and give her some reassuring words

Crepus: there, there, don't worry we're right here you, right son?

Diluc: yea, dad's right

Time Skip
(y/n pov)

It's been two years since dad adopted me and I've met many new people , still getting used to calling him "dad". I'm right now with dad and grandpa and we're attending a gathering between nobles at least that's what Mila told me, she even told me wear a really fancy clothes just for this event.

Noble 1: is that her?

Noble 2: she's so adorable!!

I am right now scared and impressed at these nobles because 1 they're whispering about me loudly and some of them are not too...uhh...pleasant, 2 I'm currently being carried by dad and 3 grandpa told me that some of these people hare are bad people.

Dad noticed my uneasiness so he excuseed us and went to grandpa and told him that we're leaving

Moments later, we are already ready to leave, my uneasiness didn't leave and even sometimes I feel like someone is watching us from affar, but I guess it didn't matter since I already dozed off once the carriage starts moving

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