Chapter 1 - Despise

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I'm sitting in the Ravenclaw common room, catching up on some reading from my potions class. Draco is a master in this particular class. I hate his guts ­ don't get it wrong, but I do respect him for being so smart, for a Slytherin of course. He's mean and a bully sometimes, but us Ravenclaws he doesn't bother much. He hates the Gryffindors though, with a passion. I don't think he thinks about anything else than the Golden Trio and their next moves honestly. When he's not studying in the library like me ­ he's making their lives miserable. Now you might wonder, why am I even speaking about the dreadful pal? Well, you see ­ he scored higher than me in my last defense against the dark arts exam and now I am disappointed in myself.



"Anyone up to dual against Mr Malfoy?"  Professor Lupin said, scanning the crowd of students.

I was nervous about this exam, but I was ready for this. If I chose a strong opponent, my grade would be much higher than if I chose someone who was easy to defeat or someone I really care about, like Luna. I couldn't go full crazy on my best friend. So I raised my hand, as I heard some gasps in the crowd. Risky move against Malfoy, I know.

"Good. You know how this works. You may start."  Professor said.

That's when it all went down.

After taking the twenty steps and turning back on my opponent Draco Malfoy, I could see his wide grin, like I was fresh meat. Like he didn't even see me as a challenge. I wanted to prove him wrong so badly.

He started firing many spells at me, which luckily I was able to block.

"Accio!"  I called out, which pulled his whole body towards me and made him vulnerable, so I hit him with a few spells and sent him back to the ground.

That triggered him, although his eyes had changed to interested. Seemed like I was finally worth a thought to him, like he finally recognized me, as a witch. We usually had our ups and downs, like in potions or in magical history, but it was a quiet, nonverbal academic fight. Now this was personal and physical, and he had never expected me to challenge him as well.

He started firing spells at me, which I tried to block, but after a while, it became way too hard, and one or two hit me, which made me stumble back.

"Levioso!"  I heard him call out and I felt my feet get swooped from the ground.

I was mid-air, floating like a fucking balloon, when I felt a big hit and I fell hard on the ground.

Anger cursing through me, I fired a spell back.

"Expelliarmus!"  Finally, he couldn't keep attacking me anymore.

I was embarrassed. I had gotten him good, but he had gotten me better. Asshole. Fucking brilliant asshole.

"Well done you two! That was an impressive dual you gave us! 15 points to Slytherin and 10 points to Ravenclaw!"  Professor Lupin shouted.

Great, second-best result. Then my eyes which were focused on the ground, registered a pair of black shoes. His shoes. I looked up into his cold eyes, as I saw his hand reaching out to me. Is he joking? Is he for real?

Draco wasn't known to be nice to anyone, except for a few Slytherins.

"Come on get up Johnson, I don't bite"  he said grinning.

I took his hand, praying to Merlin he wasn't messing with me, but to my surprise, he helped me up to my feet.

"Didn't know you had that in you Johnson. You weren't terrible"  he said his eyes still focused on me.

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