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As Jungkook walked inside the college campus, a lot of girls were looking at him like a god walking around the college corridor.

He was wearing a uniform steadily, like a White shirt with black pants and a tie.

Jungkook is known as the perfect student at the university. Even his seniors like him and respect him. He is there anywhere in the university when there is a fight going on and he is the one that beats everyone first.

"Jeon?!" His head turned and looked back at the voice. It was Taehyung standing near his bike. "Gladly you come to campus at the correct time for the first time!" Jungkook gives him a smirk.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and walked near him, 'Didn't Hoseok-ah come?" He asked while looking around and he nodded no.

Suddenly a girl came near Jungkook and she looked kind of nervous. "What happened?" He asked.

"I-I like you," She said as she looked down and gave him a rose. Jungkook folds his hands near his chest and looks at her.

"I would like to say no to be honest and also it's time to study not to be lovers! My priority is studying not dating" He said as the girl ran from there.

The duo walk inside the classroom, they are studying the subjects of science. Jungkook's favourite subject is Physics and he always gets a full mark for it.

Taehyung sat on the chair and took out his phone to call their best friend Jung Hoseok. "Da stupid, where are you?!" Taehyung asked through the phone.

"Uhmm... I am kind of lazy!" A lazy voice comes out from the other side.

"If you are not coming then the tickets to the dance competition are cancelled, you are not going and we are also not going! Want that, Hoseok-ah?" Jungkook asked him.

"Fvck you! I am coming" He cursed and cut the phone.

"M/N Prince!" He turned around and saw a guy standing in front of him. "Karthik! I told you to stop it! Stop following me!" M/N said in a begging tone.

"I have no feelings for you and it all stopped when we were in high school, You cheated and I left," He said trying not to wet his eyes.

"I told you, I am sorry and I came here to study just for you!" Karthik looked around.

"I came here by merit! I studied hard and got it! Please don't ruin it!" M/N said as he walked forward to his class.

"But M/N-"

"Please stop Karthik!"

He said while walking inside the class. Studying away from his house was the only wish that M/N had and now it's happened.

When he was in his hometown he used to live with his mom, uncle and aunt with their son who is older than him. His uncle to be honest doesn't like him and his mother living there but Only because of mom's money and places, he is showing fake love to them.

As M/N entered the class, his eyes widened, the first thing he noticed was the boys inside the class. Being gay and living with homophobic people is scary.

But he is proud of his identity. "Hi!" He waved at a boy. Yuvaan Rajput, his roommate at his flat room. They became friends in less than a week.

"Ah M/N! Come sit beside me" Yuvaan held his hands and walked near their seat.

"1st year batch! The seniors are calling you!" A random boy told them and walked out of the class.

Oh ragging, M/N think and sighs. He walks out of the class with Yuvaan. Yuvaan looks scared that his ears are red.

M/N looked at his skin tone, chocolate skin tone, he felt insecure. "Vaa (come) Yuvaan called him. Yuvaan is half North Indian and half South Indian.

When they reached the assembly area and saw some students standing there.

"Move please" Suddenly a deep tone whispered behind his ears making his whole body shiver. He saw a milk white tone boy with black hair walking in front of him towards the seniors.

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