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We all went to Taehyung's place. He is living with his GF in a separate house while Hoseok and I stay at my flat which my appa owns and in a separate flat.

The house itself is messy, Nyla was not there for 2 weeks and now it's messy as hell.

She was scolding him very badly. Hoseok was sitting on the couch while scrolling his phone. He already ordered food and we already have wine and Volka at his house.

I look at my phone, and I again look at the photos, she looks happy with him but why not with me? I sighed and looked up, I saw Hoseok and Taehyung looking at me.

"No phones until we finish the party" Hoseok took my phone and put it in the drawer.

"You need to block her," Taehyung said in a drunk tone.

"She is my mother after all," I said as I drank a glass of beer in one go.

"She is not! She is a monster and also your appa. Just sending money is not a parenting this! We have known each other since our childhood Did your mother come and see you once?! Nope," I can see tears coming out from Hoseok's eyes.

I smile and hug Hoseok. "You are drunk Hoseok, let's go to our flat," I said as he nodded.


I looked at Karthik's message and groaned. "Wtf this dude want?!" I throw my phone on the bed and sigh.

Yuvaan came to my room and sat on the bed, "how are you feeling now?! Better?!" I looked at him and nodded.

"more than better" I smile.

"what happened?! You look something trouble " Yuvaan asked him as I told him everything.

"I dated him when we were in high school but he cheated on me my parents don't know it, they are still thinking that we are just friends"

"Woah, my parents are cool-minded, they know that I am bisexual!"

I smile and look at the phone again. "Again his message, "I am in love with you, please come back" What can I do?!" I look at Yuvaan.

"Ignore it," He said simply and laughed.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, "Who is it?!" I asked him as he shrugged.

I get up walk to the door and open it without peeking through the hole. As I opened I saw the guy with sunglasses standing there. He looks similar.

"What do you want sir?!" I asked, he smelled alcohol.

"What do I want?! You are in my flat and asking me what I want?!" Sounded drunk.

"Sorry sir, it's not. It is our flat." I said as I pointed to Yuvaan. "Huh?!" He looked up and mumbled the room number. "2....4....5?!" He looked at me.

"Yes, room number 245!" I said while folding my hands to my chest.

"Kook, This is our room!" A drunken tone from the other room's front heard that. "244?!" He turned around.


"Sorry for bothering you," He said as he walked near the opposite room like a snake.

I just looked at Yuvaan and laughed at the way of walking of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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