Lonely Us

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As the first rays of dawn timidly filtered into her apartment, Yn found herself entangled in the cold embrace of a sleepless night. The pale light cast shadows on the walls that had witnessed countless moments of triumph and solace, but now stood as silent witnesses to her profound downfall. The weight of the cancellation of her medical license pressed upon her, a crushing force that seemed to squeeze the very essence of hope from her weary soul.

Yn gaze wandered across the room, lingering on the framed degrees and certificates that adorned the walls—a stark reminder of the years of dedication, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment to the healing profession. Each accolade, once a testament to her proficiency and compassion, now hung in silent reproach, mocking the abrupt end of a journey that had defined her identity.

The world beyond the confines of her apartment felt distant and indifferent, as if the universe itself had turned its back on a healer now rendered helpless. The once-familiar sounds of life—the hum of traffic, the distant chatter of passersby—seemed muted, drowned out by the deafening silence that enveloped her existence.

As Yn sat on the edge of her bed, the weight of the sleepless night etched lines of exhaustion on her face. The reflection in the mirror revealed eyes that bore the heavy burdens of sorrow and disbelief. What once sparkled with the passion to heal now reflected the shattered dreams and aspirations that lay scattered like shards of glass.

The harsh reality of the morning sun illuminated the room, casting a cold light on the remnants of a career that had crumbled overnight. The medical textbooks on the shelf seemed to leer at her, their pages filled with knowledge that now stood useless, denied the chance to be applied in service to humanity.

With a heavy sigh, Yn rose from the solitude of her contemplation, Her steps hesitant as she faced a day that promised uncertainty. The healing hands that had comforted the ailing and embraced the fragile threads of life now hung idle, yearning for a purpose that had been unjustly stripped away. 

The shrill ringtone pierced through the heavy air, an incessant intrusion into the desolation that had settled in her apartment. Reluctantly, she answered the persistent calls, Yn voice laced with the exhaustion of a night spent wrestling with despair. "What do you want Jungkook?" she snapped, the words escaping her lips more sharply than intended.

On the other end of the line, his voice carried a mix of concern and confusion. "I've been trying to reach you all night. How are you holding up?" His genuine worry collided with the barricade of her frustration, and she couldn't bring herself to respond.

The relentless ringing persisted, and in a fit of irritation, Yn unleashed the pent-up emotions that had festered within her. "Can't you see? They took everything from me! My license, my purpose... I don't need your sympathy or your hollow inquiries!" The words hung in the air, a bitter echo of the bitterness that had consumed her.

As Yn ranted, she noticed a shift in the background noise—a familiar female voice that sliced through the tension. "Hey, calm down. We're here for you." The realization hit her like a sudden gust of wind. Yn male colleague hadn't called alone; Yn female friend was there too, silently witnessing the unraveling of her composure.

Embarrassment and regret flooded in as she stammered an heavy sigh, Her anger giving way to the stark reality that she wasn't alone in this moment of vulnerability. The phone call, initially an unwelcome intrusion, became a lifeline connecting her to the support of those who cared her, She doesn't want to hurt the person's again who cared for her like she used to hurt them. In the midst of her turmoil, the unexpected presence her friends hinted at the possibility of solace and reminded Yn that, even in the darkest moments, connections could be the fragile threads that held her together.

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