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To be mesmerized by a woman, get walked over and then still be on the losing end was not something Surgeon Kim Taehyung was used to. But he was troubled the entire day after their some moment which was another thing he had no idea about. He hated how much she was running in his mind and how much he wanted her around.


After all she was just a resident doctor he had hired only to watch her quit, and when she did quit, Taehyung insisted her not to, and even though he claims he hated her, still wanted her to stay with him and Yn had done nothing but oblige. Maybe he did cross a line there, she waited the entire evening for him, cared for him and all he did was insult her in front of the team. He hated to be on the losing end, but more than that, he hated being on the wrong end and here he knew he was wrong.

So he set to change things, as much as he could or as much as his pride could.

Yn was seated in the corner of the table, this one was for Surgeon Kim's team if they could find some time to eat lunch together. The team hardly interacted with her and she knew she was nothing but a hot gossip topic for them, so distance was maintained as they ate their lunch. Dr. Jung was busy in his patients and would have to eat lunch during his mini-breaks and that made Yn sit alone in the cafeteria, wondering whether or not she should call Soojin and ask for forgiveness.

Her lunch was the food served in the canteen, and it was not good. Since the patients normally ate less spicy food, the same were kept for the interns and residents and looking at the watery soup and not so soft rice, Yn's appetite was lost. She should start cooking if this was the food she would have to eat, but the only reason she did not cook was because she stayed at the surgeon's house, and cooking there would mean... well it would mean she was living there and she did not want to. Her search for an apartment was still going on, but in vain.

Yn dialed her sister's number, she had enough of her cowardice and thought it best to not overthink about anything, after all it was Soojin she had to speak to, not Jimin. She touched the ring in her neck and gulped as the phone rang, maybe she did not want to speak to her, maybe she was avoiding her calls.

She was about to cut the call when she heard the voice she wanted to hear from so long, "Hello?"

Yn had prepared a speech to say to her sister, she and Dr. Jung had worked hard on it as he prepped her but the moment she heard her sister's voice, Yn forgot everything.


Yn cleared her throat, "um... how did you know it was me?"

"Well, for once, only you can have the audacity to call me at 5 am and break my precious sleep," Soojin's soft chuckle eased Yn's tension, "also, I have an app which tells me the names."

Wow, the way technology was progressing, they were going to have zero privacy soon.

"Oh right, I am sorry about calling you at 5 am," She apologised, clutching the spoon in her grip, "that was stupid."

"What did you want to say?" Soojin was direct, no beating around the bush, no exchanging pleasantries, nothing. "Is it about Jimin? Because you know I cannot-"

"Its not about Jimin," She cut her off, that being said she hardly got time to think about Jimin lately, a stone cold surgeon kept her busy. "It's just..."


Yn felt short of words, this was tougher than she had presumed and her vision got blurry, "nothing..." She sighed, holding her breath so Soojin would not know that she was on the verge of crying, "nothing, um... I gotta go..."


Oh man, how much she missed Soojin's sweet endearment, she was tired of being addressed as Dr. Kang here, "Yeah?"

𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑨 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒆 || Kim Taehyung Where stories live. Discover now