Moon Went Shy

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"You should go sleep, it is 2 am." Taehyung said in the silence of the air, the terrace of the hospital really had its own way of being solemn. The duo had taken their coffee break upstairs and they watched the lights of the city dim slowly, as only darkness remained. Iceland was way different than South Korea, more chillier, more peaceful and more caring. "I can wait up for the next shift." He took a sip of his iced tea, even during the winter, Taehyung loved his cold tea.

"Unlikely," Yn replied, she was warming her hands with the cup, Taehyung's precious suit jacket comforting her even though the wind seemed colder, "as a matter of fact, you should go rest since we have an appointment early in the morning." She was observing the night sky and the very cloudy moon, everything about Busan seemed to upset the girl.

Taehyung however did not need to look up to see the moon, his eyes were on the one closest to him.

"You do know that I am a grown man who can take care of himself, right?" He could not take his eyes off her, and she had been ignorant of the fact. "You do not, cross that, you will not go back with me South Korea." That orderly tone got her attention quite immediately, she turned to face the man, and chuckled on his low effort to try to get her out from his life.

"If you think that you can get Kang Yn off your back, then forget it," She tilted her head, watching the surgeon's eyes which the very dim light had greatly highlighted. "Someone once told me that I am like a sticky stubborn girl who will not leave so easily."

"Like a little storm?" He asked, Yn lowered her gaze at the word and retreated back to watching the dark night, nodding. "Well, if you do wanna join me, which I still think is unnecessary, why don't you go lay down for some time?"

"Surgeon Kim," Yn turned, now resting her back on the railing as she watched the man keenly with a silly smile, "is there something with the air of Iceland or are you really this soft?" She asked, raising her eyebrow and caught the surgeon off-guard. "Because if this is not you, then its bi-polar, you should get yourself tested." She joked taking a sip of her warm beverage but Taehyung had not taken his gaze off her.

"Or maybe its just you," He said softly, as he raised his hand towards her face, freezing Yn from her nonchalance. "Maybe you just don't know me yet." He wiped the corner of her lip from a faint coffee stain, inching just enough for Yn to lose her mind.

The way Taehyung was behaving, Yn was having a difficult time to comprehend the surgeon. Yes, at first, he was overwhelmed by Sana's surgery and she considered his comfort only as a friend, as a team member, but lately, everything he was doing was baffling her and not in a good way. She could not get the man not at all he was so soft towards her, acted like a gentleman, always found ways to bicker with her and did not leave her side, not once. He hugged her, comforted her, sat with her, helped her, even appreciated her and now, he was making her swoon by his gaze.

What was she to take this as?

Surely, he was bi-polar, because how could she hate and loathe the Surgeon Kim of Seoul but be so mesmerized by Taehyung of Iceland. Did he have split personality disorder? Or was he making fun off her? Or was he just testing something? Or maybe he was under effects of the medicines?


Might as well get admitted to the asylum after this shit, so she could just turn off all of these questions.

Yn was never the one to be ignorant, she was quite the opposite. She was sharp and bright, a topper and the nerd, she knew Hyung-Sik loved Soojin right from the start, she knew Jimin was easy to be fooled, she knew when to be sweet and not, she knew everything because she was always on her toes. She knew the surgeon was behaving super different with her here, than he did back in Seoul and what she did not know was why.

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