-His Eyes-

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(Hey guys, this takes place about a week, after the first two chapters and is told from Howdy's POV: So enjoy!)

Howdy sat upright in bed, he was sweating buckets at this point, he had this dream.. People staring at him, well, more like the same pair of eyes were staring at him from all sides, Howdy never liked being stared at, always gave him the butterflies.

Howdy groaned a bit as he stood up off his bed, he had to open the bodega early, he checked the time on his clock that hung near his bed, 6AM on the dot. He wondered, "Why do I even open it so early?" he shrugged, he really didn't know, oh yeah, he has to set up early.

Howdy quickly changed into his work uniform, he attached his name tag to his chest, "Howdy." it said. He got his brown, work, shoes on and quickly walked out from his room in the back. His bodega awaited him, he needed to start restocking before flipping his sign to open. So Howdy grabbed some of the boxes that were hidden in the back and began restocking the shelves. 

Howdy finished, finally. He put the empty boxes into a stack and dragged them into the back, his four arms made this easy work, it was around 6:45 now. He had to open at 7AM, he looked out the glass door to see if anyone else was awake, nope. Still pretty dark out, Howdy sighed a bit.

"Still dark I see. That's just peachy." Howdy was quite annoyed, but he shook it off. Be friendly Howdy.

Howdy flipped the "Closed" sign to the other side, "Open" it said, Howdy quickly walked behind the counter and waited for any neighbors to walk in, he began fiddling with his plain red tie, just trying to pass the time. He heard some rain start pouring, he knew it would rain today but he didn't know it would rain this early. This would just mean fewer customers. Surprisingly Howdy heard a knock on the glass door, then he heard a voice.

"Hey Howdy pal! You open right now?" 

It was Barnaby Beagle, the funniest guy in the neighborhood. (According to Howdy.) 

Howdy replied back.

"You bet ya apples it's open! Read the sign buddy!" 

Howdy heard Barnaby chuckle slightly before he walked in, Barnaby was wearing a rain coat, and his fur was soaked, his lower paws that he walked on were covered with mud.

"Sorry if I make a bit of a mess Howdy! Ya know it's a bit rainy out today!"

Barnaby wiped his paws on the Welcome mat, Howdy could see Barnaby wince in pain, it must hurt to wipe your paws, Howdy didn't really know anything about that though..

"It's alright fella! Now do you want your usual? Or are we trying something else today?"

Barnaby turned over to Howdy and gave him a smirk.

"Think you already know, bucko."

Barnaby walked over and sat on one of the stools near the counter, Howdy chuckled softly and began to make Barnaby's usual hot-dog.

"Hey Howdy? I got a joke that i've been preparing for all morning! Wanna hear it?"

Howdy antennae perked up, he was looking forward to Barnaby's usual jokes.

"Of course i'd love to hear it Barns!"

Barnaby cleared his throat and began to deliver the joke.

"Why didn't the light rain hit the target?"

They both stayed silent for a moment before Barnaby spoke up again.

"It just mists." 

The silence was interrupted by Howdy and Barnaby's laughter,

"Whoo! Barnaby that sure was a good one! Think you've already paid for your hot-dog."

Howdy's store was a bit different than others, instead of well, real money, you would pay with jokes. And Howdy never explained why just said "Laughter is the greatest payment." 

Howdy handed Barnaby his usual hot-dog. And Barnaby started eating it.

"So Howdy, You planning anything today outside of running your bodega?"

Howdy thought for a moment, he never really did anything outside of his bodega. And as Howdy was going to respond, he heard the ring of the bell attached to the door of the bodega ringing, someone just walked in.

Howdy looked past Barnaby and saw one of the neighbors walking in, why who else but Eddie Dear! The local mailman. He was completely soaked in water but yet still looked happy. He didn't even have a rain coat on.

"Hiya there fellas! I got some packages for a certain Pillar?" Eddie spoke with his usual Texan accent, Eddie smiled a bit but winced at Barnaby.

Eddie walked over to the counter and put the 3 packages on the counter. 

"Alright Howdy, you just need to sign this and we'll be all peachy." 

Howdy nodded as Eddie handed him a small piece of paper and a pen, Howdy sighed the paper with his top right hand, he then handed the clipboard back to Eddie.

"Pleasure doing business with ya Edds! Don't catch a cold-"

Howdy's sentence was interrupted by Barnaby talking to Eddie.

"Hey bud, you know when my kazoos are coming in?"

Barnaby had this smirk on his face that could be interpreted as evil.

"B-Barnaby no! I haven't gotten anything addressed to you!"

Eddie chuckled awkwardly, before trying to leave toward the door.

"Eddie, you know what happens when a dog sees a mailman right?"

Barnaby said as he got off the stool and walked a bit toward Eddie.

"He chases em!" 

Barnaby ran after Eddie on all fours, and Eddie screamed and ran out of the bodega, Barnaby following suit.

Howdy thought it was hilarious, and he was basically crying with laughter. He looked over to the 3 packages, Howdy only remembered ordering 2 things.. But maybe one of the other neighbors sent him something? He began looking at the package labels.. Some company.. Another company- Wally? Wally sent him something, it was the smallest package out of them all. Howdy put the packages under the counter and waited, for another customer to walk in. Yet he couldn't shake this feeling.. Of being watched.. 

He swore he could see a pair of eyes staring at him through the door.

(Word count: 998)

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