Chapter 16

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No one's POV:

The room went extremely quiet, and you could hear a pin drop at this point.

Everyone was looking at the source of the voice.


"Hey, everyone.. I'm back.." Y/N said, holding her one arm, which was dangling down her side with the other.

Silence once more filled the room.

Y/N looked at all of them and saw most of them with tear filled eyes.


She let out an awkward chuckle.

"Uh... how long was I out for...?" Y/N asked awkwardly.

Pomni shot up from her chair, almost tripping in the process.

She ran over to Y/N and hugged her.

"It's been 4 months, we thought you weren't going to return!" She sobbed while hugging her tightly.

Y/N's POV:

'4 months!? Just from the fall of a tree? Damn-'

I patted Pomni's head as she was crying and hugging me.

I looked over to the others and swear I saw Jax glare at Pomni.

Soon after, the others got up as well and hugged me.

It was nice to be back.


We talked for a while, and they told me what I had missed and how my being unconscious affected the others.

After the gathered information, Jax was the most upset and even locked himself in his room for who knows how long.

And about what I missed.. nothing much apparently, since it's the same old thing day after day.

The others sat back down at the table and asked if I wanted to join in. Of course, I said yes.


3 hours later, after a bunch of different games, we hung out for a bit before it's was dinner time.

When I sat down, Jax didn't hesitate to take one of the seats beside me.

I looked at him, and he had his usual unchanging smile on.

A though Guy, with a soft centre.

I mean, he did show he could care if he wanted to, and although he was a jerk, he wasn't heartless.

"Welcome back short stack." Jax said, with a provoking smile.

I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I'm only like a few inches smaller than you."

"You are still short."

I sighed and continued eating my food.

Everyone's attention was turned to Caine when he did a small toast on my return, and some of the others joined in and said a few nice words as well.

We were finished with dinner, and I wished the others a good night.

I started heading towards where the rooms were, and I saw Jax approach me.

"Mind if I walk you to your room?" He asked me, somewhat nervous..?

"Sure, I don't mind." I said, as I gave him a smile.

We walked down the hall towards my room

"You know.., I'm happy to see that you are back.." I looked at him.

"Aww, does this bunny have a soft spot for the 'short stack'?" His face was covered with a slight blush and didn't respond.

I just smiled, and soon enough, we reached my bedroom door.

"Well, it was nice talking to you. I hope you have a good night."

I was about to open my door, but my wrist was grabbed slightly, and I was spun around.

I looked up at a slightly nervous looking Jax.

I chuckled, pulled him close, and placed a small kiss on his cheek.

"Good night, cutie~" I gave him a wink and went into my room, closing the door.

I let out a quiet giggle and headed off to bed.


Hope you enjoyed it! ^^

Not some NPC ~ Jax x Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now