His hands,
They burned in mine.
They were cold and blue,
While mine were warm and pink.
His eyes were emotionless but colourful,
While mine was emotional but monochromatic.He wanted an embracer,
I wanted a communicator,
But his lips were shut,
While my attempts to embrace him were cold and still.
His voice came out with cracks,
While my hands trembled.He loved to play the electric guitar to express his intense emotions,
I loved to play the piano to compose myself and keep my emotions hidden.
He walked forward with confidence,
I walked under his shadow with caution.
He liked the curves of my body,
While i hid them.
He hated his scars,
While i told him it brought personality to his body.He left the room in any event he had to dance,
While i rushed into any rooms that had opportunities where i could dance.
He dropped the mic that I would later pick up.
He liked to show off,
I liked to keep secrets.His head filled with what has happened,
While mine was filled with what could happen.
The dark past haunted his room,
While the bright future filled mine.
He fears daydreaming,
While that was my favourite thing to do.
He relived his past whenever he closed his eyes,
While i wished for my future to come by quickly.No. It's not what you think, this doesn't have a bad ending, because these differences made us closer.
Eventually, my hands warmed his.
His eyes brought colours to mine,
While mine gave emotions to his.
He communicated through actions.
While i embraced him through my poetry and words.He learnt to play the violin for my piano,
While i learnt to play the drum set for his electric guitar.He took my burning hand, and held them in his freezing ones, smiled and told me that i could walk side by side with him.
He hugged my waist, as I kissed his left eye with a scar across it.
He liked to watch, while i danced.
He liked to listen, while i sang with the mic i picked up.
I showed off what he was proud of,
While he kept my secrets.When his room darkened with the past, i lit it up with the brightness of the future from my room.
I took him upon my world of daydreaming and fantasy by the sentences i created, as he read them in interest and joined my imagination.Whenever he woke up from his nightmares, i woke up with the adrenaline of excitement from my dreams.
When we are both awake, we tell each other our dreams, where his once frightened expression changes to smiles and laughterWe place together the pieces we are missing,
Learn new things,
Complete each other.
And so we last.

crappy poems
Poetrypoems or vents idfc its just my feelings (some of them). Fuck around and you might be featured