you'll be back (please come back)

10 2 9

"Please don't take too long to come back."

if this isn't a desperate plead,

then it is an attempt to deny the fact you may have left.

And I'll never say that you left,

because that's an admittance to a loss I'm not ready to mourn yet.

Or may I say an admittance to many losses I'm not ready to mourn yet?

Because with your exit, comes the death of the future I saw of us,

with your exit, comes the death of the opportunity to show you the love I had yet to express fully,

And with your exit, the waves of what could have been come to crash down on me,

sinking me into my own ocean of a never-ending flow of what my eyes use to express the emotions I attempt to numb myself from,

drowning with the desperate need for you to be here next to me,

reassured by a likely-to-be false sense of comfort, where I have convinced myself you will be back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2024 ⏰

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