Chapter 2

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"Nice to have you!" said Yugi happily. Alex smiled. "Thanks! It's really nice!" "Yami was wondering if you could help us to Egypt." "" Alex cocked her head. "But your tickets for the plane?" "The flight is in a few days, but from there we have no clue." Yugi replied. Alex sighed. " need the Millennium Items...and that's a maaaajor problem." "Oh..." Yugi sounded disappointed.  Alex looked at Yugi. "It's just the person who has the item.. He's.." She didn't finish her sentence. "Marik?" He asked. Alex shook her head. "He's not the problem.. I-it's..AGH! IT'S BAKURA!!!" she began to weep. Yugi comforted her. "It's okay." Alex looked at Yugi. "Ever since he saw me he started to stalk me... It's hard to get around!" Yugi replied, "Me and my yami will protect you!" Alex shook her head. "He'd hurt you two....!" Yugi sighed. "He already has." Alex's eyes widen. "H-how?!" Yugi then said softly, "Battle City.." Alex blinked. "I'm...sorry..." "It's fine." said Yugi. Alex sighed. "It wouldn't have happened if I had stopped Marik." Yugi hugged Alex. "No blame here." Alex sighed once again. "Sorry." Yugi patted her back. "There there." Alex backed up. "Sweet talking doesn't help!" She turned around and pouted. "I'm not a kitten." Yugi looked aback. "S-sorry." Alex nodded. "It's fine."

"Bakura it hurts..." Kim said weakly. Bakura kept the smirk. "Tell me ABOUT my Alex.... EVERYTHING YOU KNOW..." "NO!" Kim screamed. Deeping the knife Bakura growled. "Tell me everything you know about Alex NOW...!" Kim kicked him "SHE'S A GIRL FOR STARTERS!" "GA....!" Bakura hissed. "She's a girl I love!!! SHE'LL BE MINE..!!" "Never! When that happens I'll be Kabia's lover!" Kim kicked him again. "AGH!! STUPID GIRL!" Bakura slapped Kim very hard. Kim cried out and fell back. Bakura smirked. "I can gladly turn you Kabia... If you don't want me to...just tell me EVERYTHING about Alex." "Never freak!" Kim struggled to free herself. "Then I'll call Kabia...and I'll take Alex for myself!" Bakura laughed. "You wouldn't!" Kim shivered. Bakura picked up the phone and slowly dialed Kabia's number. "I would.." "He's awful!" Kim curled up into a ball. Bakura held the phone to his ear. "Hello Kabia? Yeah...I have Kiiiiim..." Kim cried very hard. Kabia came in as if he bolted like lighting. "Hello dear!" "Go away! You're stupid!" Kim said in between sobs. "Take her." Bakura pushed Kim towards him. Kabia gladly took Kim into his arms. He smirked, keeping an eye on his love.. Who did NOT love him back.

Before Our Journey (Collab with Narnia Seals)Where stories live. Discover now