Chapter 3

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Kim struggled against his grip, clearly unhappy. "You jerk!" Kabia gripped tighter onto Kim. "A jerk who loves you." "Well, I DON'T." Kim glared at her captor and Bakura walked off chuckling.  Kabia immediately kissed her passionately. Kim refused to kiss back. "Yami is better. Look at Mr. CEO in his fancy blue suit." Kabia winked, kissing Kim again. Ki looked annoyed. "What am I to you? Another rare card?" "The cutest rarest one of them all....." Kabia replied softly. Kim tried to hide her blush. "N-not a p-prize!" though Kim was secretly touch. Kabia smirked. "You LIKE me...!" "No.. I get flustered at compliments." Kabia sighed "You're right...You LOVE ME!" Kim sat in shock. "That's not true!" Kabia smiled. "Yes you do darling..." Kim slapped him. "Well, I'm not a rare card or your girlfriend! Stop lying to yourself!"

An awkward silence followed. "Sooo..." said Yugi. Alex twirled her thumbs. "Good at card games?" Alex turned around then grew a smirk. "Very..." "Duel?" Yugi requested, grabbing his deck from his belt. Alex nodded. "Yeah!" Bakura watched as Yugi transformed. Alex drew a card. Yami did as well. Alex looked at Yami. "I'll play this cute guy in defense mode." Reed Butterfly was the card. "And I play one card facedown." Yami played a card. "I play queen's knight." Alex sighed "Hold on I'm thirsty! Sorry but can you get me a drink?" Yami went into the kitchen.

Not before Marik and Bakura entered. "Bakura!" screamed Marik!" Alex screamed really loud. Bakura picked up his love. "PUT HER DOWN!!!" Marik screamed again. Yami brusted in. 'WHAT...?!??" Alex struggled with all her might. "PUT ME DOWN NOW!!!!" She screamed.  Bakura chuckled. "Pharaoh, I believe you should be looking for Kabia.." "Creep!" Marik yelled. Yami stopped for a moment... Then his eyes widened. "WHAT DID YOU...GRRRR!!" he growled. Alex banged on Bakura's shoulder with her fist. 'PUT ME DOWN!" Bakura growled. "Bad girl.." Marik kicked Bakura.

"Kim darling... Relax." Then Kabia kissed her again. Kim punched Kabia.

Before Our Journey (Collab with Narnia Seals)Where stories live. Discover now