07 : I love the way you make me feel

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Time turned into days, and the class atmosphere grew busier with upcoming exams. Harin, always focused on her studies, finds herself once again bothered by Jay, her eternal nemesis. Their fights are frequent, often over trivial or insignificant matters.

During a break in class, Chaewon, Harin's best friend from the next class, approaches her and takes a seat in Jay's empty chair. She notices Harin's emotional state and can't help but chuckle at her best friend's perpetual frustration with her enemy.

" From the look on your face, I can tell you had another memorable moment with Jay today. Care to share? " Chaewon teasingly

Harin groans, annoyed at the mention of Jay's name. She takes a deep breath, ready to vent her frustrations.

" You won't believe what he did this time, Chae"

Chaewon raises an eyebrow, curious " What happened? Did he do something outrageous again? "

Harin grimaces, the memory of Jay's actions still fresh in her mind.

" He sabotaged my presentation in front of the whole class. He secretly changed my slides, causing me to stumble and look foolish. "

Before the class take a break. today's  Harin have a prestasion assignment, as she starts her presentation. The class listens attentively, showing genuine interest in her topic. but in the middle of her presentasion.The class erupts in laughter. when she notices that the slide on the projector has changed. Instead of a her presentasion topic, there's a picture of a black cat. and Harin freezes in embarrassment. She knows who did it .

Chaewon's laughter fills the air, lifting Harin's spirits. She listens intently, aware of her best friend's frustration and annoyance.

" It seems like he won't rest until he gets a reaction out of you. But doesn't it seem a little funny? You've become his ultimate target "

Harin rolls her eyes, but a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips. Despite the constant conflicts, she appreciates Chaewon's ability to find humor in their situation.

" You're right, Chae. I don't understand why Jay insists on bothering me all the time. It's like he lives to annoy me "

" You two really are like oil and water. But you know what they say, opposites attract " Chaewon giggling.

" Not in our case. He irritates me to no end. I don't understand why he enjoys picking fights with me all the time" Harin replied

" I think deep down, Jay just wants your attention. Maybe he doesn't know how to express it properly. Have you ever tried seriously talk to him?"

Harin considers Chaewon's words, her frustration giving way to a flicker.

"I've never thought about it that way.
I just hate him so much! He always distrubing me! "

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