8-Your secret is safe with me

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Started writing: November 21st, 2023


Paper walked away before Pickle could say anything to stop him.

"Huh... do you know why he just left like that?" Pickle asked his gaming buddy that isn't Knife.

"I don't know why you're asking me, but I might ask him about it later." Soap replied.

"Okay good, because he doesn't act like that often."

"It's probably nothing, don't worry about it so much Pickle." Soap reassured him.

Meanwhile, Paper walked into the kitchen where OJ was cooking.

"Hey Paper, are they okay? You look a bit...shaken up."

"I think they're better than okay."

"What do you mean by that? Paper??"

Paper started walking away.




Cheesy was peacefully sleeping in Trophy's arms until he was awoken by the door closing. It wasn't loud or anything, he's just a light sleeper. Probably because he has insomnia.

He figured it might be time to take a break from cuddling Trophy, so he began to wake Trophy up.

"Trophy... Trophy wake up!" Cheesy said, poking Trophy.

"H..huh?" Trophy said, slowly waking up.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up tiredly.

"Jesus I'm so warm... what even happened?"

"We were cuddling."

"WHA...oh wait I remember now." Trophy said.

He groaned and pulled out his phone.

"Whatcha doin, Troph?"

"Cheesy it's after 6:30, we need to get dinner."

"After 6:30?! Oh cheez, that was one hell of a nap!" Cheesy said, getting out of bed and stretching.

"I'm gonna go get some food, I'll wait for you to come down!" Cheesy smiled while walking to the door.

"Yeah yeah I'll be down in a bit."

"Lo- I MEA- SEE YA TROPH!" Cheesy stuttered and left the room quickly.

"The fuck was that..." Trophy thought out loud.

Trophy looked back down at his phone and opened it. Fan had made a blog post. It was about Cheesy.

'Cheesy...' Trophy thought to himself.

He sat there for a moment, just thinking about Cheesy.

'... Did I actually just fucking cuddle with that cheesy twerp.'

He thought about it for a while, probably about 5 minutes. He kept telling himself that it wasn't gay and that Cheesy's just a "stupid dumb little idiot" (A/N wow nice insult buddy)

He figured he should probably go downstairs now, he didn't want to leave Cheesy hanging, would he?

He got up from Cheesy's bed quickly, getting slightly dizzy in the process, but shook it off and headed out the door.

Totally NOT In love. (Comedy gold/Tropheesy)Where stories live. Discover now