25 - Epilogue

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Someone once told her that life was about ups and downs.

That when she was going through the down, she should always try to push through, even though pushing through probably didn't make sense to her at that moment.

That person also said that once she was through, she would be able to look back and realize that it was fortunate she didn't give up.

That they were lucky because they still had each other.

Karina had looked behind.

She had looked back to the hazy days that felt like a faraway memory now.

They still hurt her sometimes, bothered her, and some days they might even seem bigger than she could manage.

But then, she would lift her head and look forward, smiling at the sight ahead of her and realizing that yes, it was fortunate she didn't give up.

That now, things started to make more sense to her.

Minjeong ran on the beach with two toddlers tailing after her, one boy kicking sand at her and one girl laughing at her for nearly tripping into the sea because the sand got in her eye.

She retaliated by splashing water into the said boy and girl, who then ran back towards Karina and called her for help. "Mommy, mommy! Mom is drenching us with water!"

Karina put down her notebook and cradled both kids in her lap, her lips stretching with a knowing smile. "That's so bad. I wonder what made her splash you little brats in the first place, hm?"

The two kids grinned at her sheepishly and Karina squeezed both of their noses in turns.

"Go change your clothes before you catch a cold. You know there's no ice cream for sick kids for an entire week."

"Yes, mommy!" They saluted her in unison, immediately racing each other back towards their house.

Their house, Karina mulled over the words with a smile.

"Using sugary treats to discipline your kids again, aren't you?"

Karina shrugged, lifting her right eyebrow with playful look. "I'll just make sure to brush their teeth really clean later. It's a lot easier."

"Sure." Minjeong plopped on the sand beside her, staring at her with a smile of her own as she propped herself up with one arm on the beach towel. "And if they get toothache, you are the one who is going to drag them all the way to dentist because I'm not dealing with that."

Karina pretended to sigh woefully and picked up her notebook again. "I have the best wife, I believed."

"You sure do."

"That was a sarcasm."

"If I pretend that it's not, then it's not." Minjeong grinned.

Karina expelled a soft laughter and shook her head before closing her notebook again and focusing her gaze on Minjeong.

"Yes, you are the best wife. Ever. Where else would I get such an attractive, caring, witty wife like you? Tall order."

Minjeong whistled and pretended to hold one of her own cheeks. "Now I am getting toothache."

Karina grinned, and leaned forward to kiss her on the mouth slowly.

Minjeong appreciated the kiss and hummed, luxuriating it. "This is really nice, but I just realize that you forget to mention I'm really good in bed. Should I be offended?"

"You are impossible to please." Karina pulled away with a chuckle.

"I'm very easy to please."

Karina ignored that blatant innuendo and smacked her on the arm instead. "You have to go to your clinic in a few minutes, silly. We don't have time for that."

"Oh, but we do. I'm confident I can make you finish, in well, under ten minutes. That's plenty of time."

Karina blinked and pretended to be shocked. "Wow."

Minjeong moved up to steal a kiss on her cheek before laying back on the towel again with a wide grin.

"Are you ever done writing that one? I don't understand how you already put out so many published books but you never seem to finish that one. When will I get to read it? It's been centuries."

Karina closed the book and stared at her with a bright glint in her eyes.

"Because it's the most important story to me. I put extra thoughts in it." She handed the book to Minjeong then, nodding at it.

"For me? I can read it now?"

"Yes." Karina said in all seriousness, her hazel eyes gleaming. "Or well, after your work, because you really have to go now. You shouldn't make your patients wait."

Minjeong accepted the book and the kiss given to her, watching Karina walk back to their beach house with grace to deal with the chaotic, sandy brats.

She smiled and looked down at the old notebook in her hand, her gaze softening.

She turned the old, frayed cover and touched the cursive writing on the very first page with fondness.

Whisper in Her Ear, it said.

Minjeong smiled, already knowing perfectly well how the story unfolded.


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