CHAPTER 2: Class

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As Nuala walks into school, Baby Gronk pins her against a locker and shouts to everyone, "LOOK EVERYONE ITS THE CROTCH SNIFFER", Ricky looks away embarrassed as Baby Gronk tells everyone that Nuala sniffed his balls when she fell on him. They both looked at eachother, shocked. Nuala quickly averted her gaze back to Baby Gronk and punches his nose while playing fight song in her headphones.

The bell rings and she runs to class and checks her time table. She has chemistry, her least favourite subject. As she walks into class Mr Robinson calls out "Nuala! We have a new seating plan, look on the board". Nuala looks to the board horrified when she sees her ugly year 7 photo on display for the class, but her horror deepened when she saw the name of who was next to her.

"SHEN QUANRUI" (Ricky is his stage name)

She slowly approaches her seat, while staring at the floor. Baby Gronk sticks out his leg and trips Nuala again, making her fall onto her chair and on the floor. Everyone stares down at her. Everyone apart from Ricky. She gets up, embarrassed once again.

She gets out her water bottle, pencil case, books, and notebook. She slides out a pencil and starts sketching as her mind wanders off. She begins to daydream about Ricky and how she wishes he would treat her better. Mindlessly, she begins to sketch Ricky. Suddenly, Mr Robinson calls out her name. "Nuala, what is the answer to question 12?". She stares blankly at the board, then to Ricky, her eyes begging for help.

He turns away and stares out through the window. Nuala begins to panic and searches through her textbook. "Any day now", Mr Robinson slyly comments. Nuala ashamedly replies, "I'm not sure sir". He shakes his head, "That's what i thought, see me after class". Nuala angrily death stares Ricky for the rest of the hour. However, he carelessly rolls his eyes and continues with his work.

Nuala sighs as the bell rings and packs her things into her bag while dragging her feet to the front of the class. Mr Robinson watched as the last person exits the room. "I'm sorry I picked on you so suddenly, it's just the only way I could tell you this" Nuala's brown orbs widen at the sudden statement. "Tell me what?"


also i'm sorry it kinda went less cringey towards the end i'll make it really bad next chapter 😍‼️.

+late note i could make it actually more like an actual wattpad book and not super cringey what should i do??

Published: 24/7

Edited: 25/11 and 27/11

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