Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8 -Shelly

God, would I ever stop crying?

After I leftCal standing at my dad's front door, I climbed into the shower and let the water run over me as I cried my heart out.

I couldn't see any way to forgive Cal and stay married to him. I just couldn't. And, as much as it seemed impossible to do, I knew that I was going to have to pick myself up and figure out what my life looked like without him in it.

After a few more days of moping around, I finally agreed to meet the girls for lunch.

Sasha was in real estate, and Gaby worked at a bakery nearby the restaurant we were meeting at, so lunch was usually the best time to get together. We wouldn't have a ton of time, but a little time with the girls was better than none at all.

I took sometime to make myself look presentable. I'd lost a few pounds over the last couple weeks, and I had to put my makeup on a little heavier to cover the circles under my eyes.

When I got to the restaurant, Gaby was already there, drinking what I'd bet was a diet coke and talking to a waiter. He was tall, dark, and really good-looking and she blushed slightly when she saw me walking toward the table.

"Hey, Gabs,"I said as I leaned down to kiss her cheek. "What was that about?"

"Oh,nothing," Gaby said with a wave of her hand. "He was just asking me out for coffee."

"Oooh,really?" I said, happy to be talking about something normal. Every guy who came in to contact with Gaby asked her out. But, she usually said the same thing. "So, what'd you say?"

"No, thanks,but maybe another time," she responded with a smile.

"I wish you'd say yes one of these days," I admitted.

"I will,"Gaby replied. "When it feels right."

Gaby seemed to be able to read men better than anyone I'd ever met. She was like the man-whisperer. She always seemed to know if a guy was good for her or not, and she was always very choosy about who she dated.She'd had two boyfriends since I'd known her, and they'd both been relationships that lasted over two years.

 Gaby did not do casual relationships, much to every man within a sixty-mile radius's disappointment.

I heard the heels before the whirlwind hit,and I knew Sasha had made it.

Sasha, on the other hand, loved casual relationships.

Sasha loved to buy expensive things and pamper herself consistently, and was very focused on her career. She didn't want a man in her life who thought he would get to have a say in what she did and how she did it, so she always kept them at arm's length. She used them for sex and arm candy, and that was about it.

My friends and I were all completely different, but we loved each other unconditionally. We were lucky that it had always been that way. There had been people that tried to come between us, male and female, but no one was ever able to break that bond.

One of the things I'd loved about Cal was that he'd always gotten it. My friendship with my girls ... because he had the same thing with his friends.

Shit ...Cal.

I felt the sadness creeping in again, until Sasha grabbed my chin, looked me in the eye, and said, "Nuh-uh, girlfriend. Chin up."

I smiled shakily at her, and tried to nod.But it was difficult, since she was still holding my chin. She chuckled and released me.

"How are you?" Sasha whispered.

I sighed deeply and said, "Crushed."

"Oh, baby,I'm so sorry."

Sasha pulled me tightly to her and I held on as if I were afraid to let go. She smelled of perfume and hair product, and I found it very soothing.

"Do you want me to put a hit out on him?" Sasha asked seriously.

I chuckled and replied, "Not today."

Gaby leaned across the table and asked, "Have you talked to him?"

I shook my head.

"I haven't been able to. I can't look at him right now. He stopped by the other day, and I saw him long enough to tell him I want a divorce,then I ran back inside."

Gaby gasped at my statement.

"Are you sure that's what you want, Shelly? Don't you want to talk it over with him first, maybe think about it for a while?"

I shook my head and felt tears forming.

"I don't think it'll make a difference. He betrayed me in a way that I never believed was possible." They each took one of my hands in theirs asI spoke. "I think I need a clean break, and I need to start figuring out what to do with my life."

"Let us know what you need," Sasha said.

I turned to Sasha and said, "I want to sell the house."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah,neither of us will be able to afford it on our own, and I need to start fresh. I'd like to rent something for now, an apartment or condo or something."

"Okay, but you will have to discuss this with Cal and come to an agreement.The house is in both of your names."

I nodded. I knew I'd have to talk with him eventually. I was just really not looking forward to it.

We paused our conversation and ordered lunch from the dark-haired waiter who kept looking at Gaby longingly.

"Gaby, dude's got a fine ass," Sasha said with a wicked grin as she watched him walk away. "You should take him around back and give him what he's asking for."

"Shut up,Sasha," Gaby said with a laugh.

I laughed with my friends and knew I wanted to spend more time with them, soI wasn't miserable and alone at my dad's.

"We should do something Friday night," I said.

"I'm free,what did you have in mind?" Sasha asked.

"I don't know... something different. Something I'd never do with Cal," I said the wheels in my head turning. "I've always wanted to get a tattoo, get my nose pierced, and I've been thinking of cutting my hair."

"Slow down,sister," Gaby stopped me before I could throw out any other ideas."How about we do one crazy, body-altering thing at a time. We wouldn't want you to do something that you'd regret to get back atCal."

I frowned at her.

"I don't want to do any of it to get back at Cal, I want to do it for myself.Those are things that I've always wanted to do, I just didn't think he'd approve. It's about my independence, and the fact that I don't need Cal's approval anymore."

"Well, when you put it that way, I'm all in," Sasha said loudly, causing the other patrons to turn and look at us.

"Okay, well,how about we start with the piercing, then go out for drinks and show it off?" Gaby said in a softer tone.

"Sounds good," I said, clasping my hands together nervously. It would be good to get out and stop moping around, but I was a little nervous at the same time. I tried to put on a brave face and said, "I'm excited."

"In the meantime, you need to sit down and talk to Cal," she said sternly.

I nodded sadly, "I know."

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