Theoretically (T.N.)

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You and Theo were close. VERY close. You'd known him for almost all your time at Hogwarts, and recently into your sixth year, you had caught feelings. Let's be honest, you were falling hard. You started noticing yourself feeling drawn to him, wanting to be around him more. You'd never admit it to him, in fear of rejection, but recently, you were feeling like you were going to explode with the truth.

In the dull common room, you were gathered around the fire. You were on the couch, your back propped against the armrest with your nose in a book. Your calves were draped over Theodore's lap. Draco in the chair on the left of you, and Mattheo on the right of Theo. Draco was fidgeting with his wand, gazing into the fire with a blank expression. He was deep in thought. You knew it had something to do with his situation at home, but you didn't want to pry.

Mattheo was in conversation with Theo. You weren't sure what exactly about. All you knew was you loved Theo's voice, thick yet soothing. He used his thumb to trace circles on your legs. You found yourself having to start over many sentences as you read due to the alluring distractions he was causing.

Somewhere during the conversation, Mattheo stood up. He excused himself to his dorm, and Theo shifted his focus onto the fire, then onto you. "What are you reading, Y/n?" He attempted to make conversation. "It's called 'It.' It's a muggle book"

"The book's called 'It?' That's stupid."

You scoff, "You're stupid." You mutter back.

"What was that love?" He said, raising his eyebrows.

Something fluttered in your stomach when he said that. You retaliated quickly, though, "I said you're stupid. Are you deaf too?"

"Oh you wanna go?" He says, leaning back to look you up and down. "Where you wanna go, Theo?" You replied snarkily.

"Alright then, smartass." He says smirking. He knocks your legs off his lap and stands beside you. He picks you up and slams you back down onto the couch. You burst into a string of laughter as he tickles you on your sides.

"Sto- stop Theo!" You say between fits of laughs.

"Apologize first!" He offers.

"Al- alright! I'm sorry I c- called you stupid!"

He stops and lets you catch your breath and fix your appearance. Draco just looks over in amusement. Theo plops back onto the couch while you scoot back up onto the armrest.

"I'll leave you both to it then." He says, standing up with a knowing smirk displayed on his face. He gets halfway up to the boys' dormitories before chiming back in. "Why don't the two of you just make out already?"

Your eyes widen as you flush red. "Oh buzz off, go snog Astoria or something!" Theo fires back, defending your flusteredness.

You chuckle as you pick your book back up. You and Theo sit in silence for another minute, but only before he grabs your attention. "Y/n?"

"Yes, Theo?"

"What do you think of me? Like, if you were to describe your opinion of me to someone, what would you tell them?"

"I don't know Theo. There are many adjectives to describe you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He says scrunching his face in a playful scowl.

You laugh in response. "Not in a bad way." You hesitate for a moment before dropping your smile a bit. "You're caring, encouraging, clever. A pain in the ass..." He chuckles."One of the goofiest people I know for sure. You have the best smile, an amazing chess player. You're very down on yourself for some reason, even though you're an amazing person. You truly deserve happiness, Theo. I wish you saw yourself the way I see you. You're my best friend, and I honestly can't imagine life without you." You say, smiling wide as you grab his hand.

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