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Forgotten love

Levi and Shizue were not okay and that has been really putting a dampener in Eren's birthday celebration, not that he paid much attention to it. Hanji on the other hand was a different story.

"Are they freakin serious?! Did you know how much effort I spent on this?" Hanji growled stabbing the meat infront of them.

"Didn't captain Levi pay for this?" Jean asked as he puts down his drink.

"Well... technically yes. But I'm gonna pay him back!" Hanji defended and brought their gaze back to the raven haired man who sat faraway from everyone, only having his drink to keep him company.

Mikasa sighed. "It's so weird to see Shizue-san so... quiet."

Sasha nods her head aggressively. "That's right! I took her potato the other day and she let me! She didn't even fight back!" After saying that, Sasha raised her plate for a third serving.

"That's because Shizue-san always lets you have your food, Sasha. Nothing new."


"I know!" Hanji suddenly snapped their fingers as an idea pops in their head. The squad immediately turned their attention to the commander. "Let's just get them super drunk."

Needless to say, it was a bad idea. For all of their sake.

A week has already passed since that day, and Shizue did not stop trying to talk to Levi. But no matter how hard she tried, she was only met with nothing but silence, or  a door slamming in front of her face. She held  an enormous amount of patience, especially for Levi. But everything still has its end.

Shizue grew tired of trying. She did what she thought Levi would've wanted her to do, that is to leave him alone. There were minimal to no communication at all between the two. And if they happen to be in the same room, the atmosphere becomes so thick, it suffocates the people in there with them.

Levi poured himself another glass of whiskey, his eyes never left the strawberry-blonde girl who sat alone on the other side of the room with a drink in hand. There were dark circles underneath her eyes which proves that she hasn't had a decent sleep in days. Her complexion was pale, as if she hasn't been eating well.

Separating from her was a lot harder than he thought it would be. Levi believed it was what's best for both of them, but he did not realize how hard and painful it could be.

He couldn't rest without ever knowing if she has eaten already, or slept.

It pains him to think she's crying herself every night.

He did not like being apart from her.

He hated not being able to touch her.

The only thing Levi could do was to stare at her from a long distance. That was until Hanji's idea of a drinking game.

Hoping to break the ice, Hanji invented a drinking game to get everyone to have fun, and also in hopes to get Shizue and Levi to talk to each other. This plan went down the drain when Hanji and the squad were the first to pass out.

Seeing there was no longer reason to be in the room, Shizue stood up and headed to the sleeping quarters. Levi watched as she tried to walk a straight line coming out of the room. Although he too had a lot to drink, he couldn't leave her all alone to take care of herself. What if she fell down the stairs?

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