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Heaven help us

"For the last time, you cannot use that without blasting them out of this universe!" Shoko just lost her cool while talking to Gojo. It's been a few days and they were still trying to figure out how to operate the cursed compass, or rather, which technique can operate it.

They were smart, Uruha was the perfect host for this object, his technique allowed him to operate it using mist and his environment.

Gojo's limited void on the other hand couldn't operate it without breaking the compass, or destroying the ship and everyone in it.

Shizue, just arrived in Tokyo yesterday and hasn't showed up since after the exchange event. Plus, her blood technique was mostly focused on assault so Hanji ruled it out.

They were currently at the ship, and while the adults were busy arguing-

"Come on Nobara-chan please!" Mikasa sighed as she watched Sasha beg the orange haired girl, shaking her back and forth.

Nobara let out an exasperated breath, how could she even say no to her? She was too cute. "Alright, alright, I'll get you to see Shizue-sensei."

"Yay!" Sasha immediately dove into her arms.

"But if she gets mad, I'm blaming you."


Nobara looked at the brunette weirdly then back to the raven haired girl. Lifting herself up, she went and sat on the wooden crate. "Okay so I'm curious. Why didn't you just get Captain Levi to take you there? He's been there couple of times, he knows what train to take."

Mikasa and Sasha looked at each other in unison. "Well..."

"They sort of broke up." A solemn voice spoke behind her.

"AH!" Pieck caught Nobara before she could completely fell off the crate. The ravenette then sat beside her calmly.

"WOAH-WAIT." Nobara just realized what she had said. "Captain Levi and Shizue-sensei were together?!"

"Keep your voices down." A concerned fellow woman said. Annie looks at Levi and the other adults on the other side of the ship, it seemed that they haven't heard them which is a good sign. "And yes, they were together. Armin said so,"

It was quite new for them to see this side of Annie, it was really funny considering she always looked so serious all the time.

"They used to be." Mikasa clarified. "A lot of things happened since then."

"What did? I heard they took down a special grade sorcerer together, damn what a dream couple." Itadori squished himself beside Nobara.

"I wish they were my parents."

"Me too.." Connie chimed in.

"Why does it sound creepy coming from you?" Jean said in disgust.

"Ha! Keep dreaming." Nobara mocked Itadori, then suddenly turned her attention back to Pieck. "But what you said. They broke up?"

Pieck shrugged while her eyes didn't change its usual blank gaze. "I was on the way to the bathroom when I heard them arguing. It's not my fault those walls were thin."

Annie knotted her brows at them. "Were they even back together in the first place?"

"Hey stop being so negative." Sasha defended and crossed her arms.

"I'm being a realist." Says Annie in monotone.

Panda just appeared behind Sasha. "Official or not, you can clearly tell they love each other they're just refusing to say it."

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