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Mikasa's hands were full as she carried four garbage bags all at once. Jean and Connie on the other hand could only carry one. They just cleaned the track field by the orders from their captain, and now they're on their way to Shizue, once they finish throwing these out.

"Mikasa could you at least give us one more bag each." Jean complained as he followed behind her.

"Yeah, you're making us look bad here." Connie scoffed.

"You'll just end up complaining again-" The ravenette was cut off when someone accidentally bumped against her, knocking the bags off her grasp.

"Sorry," A stoic voice spoke, making her look at the person. In front of them stood a tall raven-haired man, two strands of his hair was wrapped while the rest was let down behind his shoulders. The other...who couldn't help but gape at Mikasa's features, had a large built body and his hair wrapped in a bun.

The woman of my dreams....?! wait no! I must stay a loyal husband to Takada-chan..! The man gulped, this girl in front of him was truly stunning. Literally, drop-dead gorgeous.

They assumed they were another student like Itadori, however, they never saw them in the school grounds once.

"Kamo! Watch where you're going!" The large man fumed.

"I did apologize," Kamo said calmy, though it didn't seem he cared much. It reminded them a little by a certain girl they knew.

"Maybe you should try opening your eyes for once." Todo mocked. After picking up the bags and giving them to Mikasa, the man left without any word. Which made the three a bit intrigued by the peculiar guy, because his eyes remained close the entire time.

"tch. That apathetic bastard." The man mocked when he suddenly took the bags on Mikasa's hands. It caught her by surprise.

"No it's fine I can-"

"Nonsense! I cannot let a beautiful woman like you carry these bags alone!" Todo was late to notice that she was in fact not alone. It was weird though, he's already a third year yet he never seen these people before.

"Are all three of you first years?" He asked curiously.

"No, but I'm sure you've already heard of us." Jean said as he dumped the garbage bags into the can.


Mikasa looked at the large-built man. "The outlanders."

Todo snapped his fingers. "Right! I've heard of ya'! Man you are lucky Shizue-sensei found you before the higher ups did."

Upon meeting the higher ups, it was safe to think that nothing good will come if they did found them. So yes, they were lucky.

Connie blinked. "Technically Gojo-san was the one who found us."

"Even better then." Not that Todo really cared about them, afterall he did just met them. But it would be a shame to see the higher ups decide to execute such a goddess from the other world.

Also, though they've been here a long time. It's still a bit peculiar to hear that their former superior is now called sensei instead of vice-captain.

The scouts were currently in Shizue's office after they called them urgently. Knowing it was something very important, they all rushed in to help find it. Levi grew so distressed due to the mess they were creating while trying to find it that he couldn't help but lecture Shizue.

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