Chapter 3

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Ichabod walked until he finally managed to make it to the Van Brunt mansion, knocking on the door, waiting until someone answered it. Not long after a maid answered the door and was shocked to find Ichabod standing there.

"Mr. Crane, this is quite the surprise. You are aware that the celebration isn't until later tonight. Is there something you needed in the meantime," The maid asked.

"I'm here to speak with Mr. Van Brunt senior. Is he home," Ichabod asked.

"He's in the library at the moment. Follow me," The maid said before leading Ichabod into the house. Ichabod turned and closed the door behind himself before following the maid to the library, where she knocked on the closed doors.

"Come in," Mr. Van Brunt's voice could be heard from the other side of the door.

The maid opened the door, leading Ichabod inside. "I'm sorry to bother you at this time Mr. Van Brunt. But Mr. Crane has come to speak with you about something."

"I can see that he's standing behind you. You may go back to getting everything ready for the celebration tonight. I'll speak with Mr. Crane and find out what it is that he comes to speak with me about," Mr. Van Brunt said waiting for the maid to leave him and Ichabod alone in the library. Once the maid left, Mr. Van Brunt shook his head as she had forgotten to close the library door. "Ichabod, do you mind closing the door before we start speaking about business? I don't want the help to listen in on our conversation. They already have enough to gossip about. I don't need to give them anything else to talk about amongst themselves."

Ichabod closed the library door, before making his way back over to the fireplace where Mr. Van Brunt was sitting in one of the chairs.

"Ichabod, you don't have to stand there. Our families have known each other for quite some time. I'm friends with your father, you're friends with my son. There is no need to feel like a stranger and stand there. Come take a seat in the chair across from me," Mr. Van Brunt said before Ichabod made his way over to the other chair sitting down across from Mr. Van Brunt. "Now, what is this I hear that you wish to speak with me about something?"

"Yes. I know that you wish only the best for your daughter; and that you won't settle for anything less than what she truly deserves. And that is why I'm here to speak with you. I'm here to ask if you will consider me to be one of the suitors you would consider to choosing to marry your daughter," Ichabod said.

Mr. Van Brunt let out a smile. "Ichabod my dear boy, are you seriously asking me for my daughter's hand in marriage?"

"Yes, I am sir. I will understand if you don't find me fit to accept me as your daughter's husband. I'm aware that there are other men out there who could offer her so much more and give her everything that she could possibly want and need. But I am willing to do my best to give your daughter everything that she could possibly ever want. That is if you will consider allowing me the chance to make her my wife," Ichabod said.

"Ichabod, you of all people should know that I would choose you over any other man that comes walking into my home asking for my daughter. I know that you will treat my daughter the way she wishes to be treated. You of all people should know that my daughter is not one who likes all the flashy things that men with money can offer her. She prefers the simple life with a garden, a home big enough for her and her family that she wishes to have and take care of. She also wishes to have a loving husband who will do his best to protect her and their family at all costs. And that my dear young man is something that only you can offer her. Tonight, it will be announced to everyone attending the celebration, along with my son's arranged marriage as well. I can't be any happier to welcome you to the family as my son-in-law. And I know that my daughter Winter will be happy to become your wife. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the family, Ichabod," Mr. Van Brunt said before getting up and grabbing a drink pouring some for himself and Ichabod as a mini celebration before the big celebration that was to take place that evening.

The Battle has Won, but the War has Just Begun (Ichabod Crane)Where stories live. Discover now