Early Morning Rounds

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Salt drifted through the air, the sun shone gently over rooftops and into shop windows. Waves splish splashed against the soft sand as seagulls cawed from above. The ocean breeze was chilling and yet the sun was nicely warming, a perfect balance. Virgil loved taking the coast road last when dropping off the daily papers, it was a nice finish. He threw the final paper at the final house and came to a stop a little further down the road at the small wooden Dock. He didn't know why it was built since no boats were ever allowed out on the sea except the one that came once a month to drop off crates of what seemed to be supplies but that one went to the bigger dock that was constantly guarded. Where did that boat even come from? Where did it go?

He walked out to the end of the dock and sat down, taking off his odd socks and black boots as well as rolling up his dark purple and black cargos. He dangled his legs over the edge of the dock and into the water, it was fairly cold but not unbearable. He fiddled with his black jacket with purple plaid patchwork stitching, adjusting it. Closing his eyes, he took in a deep breath. He had always wondered what was beyond the town, maybe it was nothing good, maybe it was everything amazing. Big machines that flew across the sky, maybe floating houses on water, maybe miles and miles of trees, who knew? His friend who worked at the library had managed to sneak a few forbidden books about the outside world for him to read but they never had much information.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of hissing. He looked down at a familiar yellow and black snake that was climbing up from under his hoodie.

"You hungry, Janus?"

He took out a small dead mouse wrapped in tinfoil and fed it to the snake. Virgil had gotten Janus as a pet for his 10th birthday and had always taken him everywhere with him since then, he didn't know where his parents got him from since there were no snakes other than grass snakes on the island. Getting Janus was what made him start to wonder about what's beyond the icy waves, it was his proof that there was at least something.

Janus slithered back into his hoodie, after eating, where is was nice and warm and Virgil stood up. He got back on his bike and peddled into the towns shopping district. There were all the shops anyone could need: a bakers, a butchers, a DIY/craft shop, a library, a barbers, a hairdressers, a Doctors, an opticians, a cafe, a convenience store, a clothes store, a music store, a spa/ beautician, a sweet shop, and a news office. His friends would be finishing work 'round about now so he decided he'd hang out with them. He decided to go to the sweet shop first.

Walking into the overly decorated and brightly coloured shop, he looked over at a boy around his age (older by a few months) behind the till. The simple uniform of an odd white hat over his short mousey brown hair and a white and red pinstriped apron was loosely tied over his usual blue polo shirt and beige trousers, it was odd to see him without the grey cat hoodie he usually had tied around his shoulders but the owner of the shop made it clear that it was against the uniform policy (for some reason...) and so he kept it safely folded in his locker with his phone and lunch. He also wore round framed glasses. He was currently helping another customer but as soon as he finished he looked over to see who had entered.

"Virgil, hey! How are you today?"

"Hey Patton. I'm alright, how are you?"

"I'm good! I just need to wait for Sandra to clock in then I'll be right with you."

"Yeah don't worry, I know the drill."

Virgil smiled slightly at him. For a seventeen year old he certainly was energetic.

Sandra walked in through door and waved at Patton and Virgil with a smile before walking into the staff door that connects to behind the counter. A few minutes later she switched places with Patton, taking over and allowing him to clock out. They left the shop together.

"Since we usually hang out in the library, I was thinking we should go to the barbers first so we don't have to go back and forth." Virgil readjusted his hands that were in his pockets.

"Yeah that does make the most sense, also would you like a Butterfinger?"

Patton somehow always had some on him, mainly used to cheer up friends or as a nice sweet treat he always offered them. The rest were his to enjoy.

"Ah I'm good, thanks tho."

They both eventually got to the barbers, Patton getting distracted for a few seconds by the spinning swirly pole outside above the door. Inside it was surprisingly quiet except for the gentle humming of random musical songs coming from the sweeper boy as he cleaned up the floor. He was the owners son, seventeen, a fan of performing and being extremely dramatic, he put on his own performance every day by pretending to enjoy having to work there rather than the theatre as his father expected him to take over the family business some day. He didn't look forward to it from what they'd heard from him but he wouldn't be caught dead badmouthing it to his father. He had short reddish brown wavy hair and wore a red and gold apron as they were the shops colour themes. Underneath the apron he was wearing his usual jeans and his red and white jacket with the letter 'R' stitched in gold on his sleeves.

The humming slowly stopped as he noticed the other two walk in.

"Why hello there, Padre! And hello to you too, emo." He grinned.

"Sup, Cinderella."

"Virgil, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that! I'll be in the theatre one day... I just know it!"

"Yeah yea whatever."

"Hey kiddo! Wanna come with us to the library to hang out? It's okay if you're too busy or you have to work overtime again-"

"I'll be with you in a flash, anywhere is better than here right now."

Roman quickly finished sweeping and took off his apron. He grabbed his stuff and let the other staff know he was going before following the other two on their way to the library. One of the fanciest buildings in the whole town, the library was known for its amazing architectural design. It seemed like an anomaly next to the regular buildings of the area. It was designed to allow maximum natural light inside without too many windows as it saved electricity during the day and gave an overall more positive atmosphere. Inside, putting returned and wrongly placed books back in the correct places, was a boy who had just turned eighteen last month. He was wearing a deep blue, thin, sleeveless jumper over a black constellation shirt, a striped blue tie, black square framed glasses and black trousers. His hair was short and dark brown.

Roman danced over.

"Hey nerd, having fun?"

"Salutations Roman, I suppose I do find it quite satisfactory to put books back in their orderly places. Hello Virgil, and Patton."

"Hey Logan! Are you nearly done with your shift?" Patton looked at the books he was holding.

"Almost, I need to put these final books back then I'll be right with you. Our usual spot at the back of the library should be quiet today."

"That is the best news I've heard all day, I don't think I can deal with listening to people make out again... They were blocking the exit too! Well- they would have seen us if we went past." Virgil sighed.

The three of them headed to the back of the library to a quiet, mostly hidden spot with an old oak table. They sat down and were soon joined by Logan.

"I managed to get a hold of another book for you, Virgil. I hope this one is more satisfactory for you than the last few."

He handed over a small, old-looking book to which Virgil carefully opened to read.


1402 words
I'll try publish the next chapter as soon as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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