15. The Intruder

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Night's sleep is all peaceful until I hear shouting coming outside my room

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Night's sleep is all peaceful until I hear shouting coming outside my room. I panic big time because it's still so dark outside. I get down with a lot of hassle as I am still in pain and grab my sword while walking out of the door.

I take the sword out of its cover and run to my parent's room, where I see the lamp lights on and two servants outside.

"What happened?!" I ask, walking into the room.

It's just Papa Tine on the floor, shocked as ever, and Papa Wat looking out of the window with a blood-soaked knife in his hand. I quickly scan the room for a threat and drop the sword before running to Papa Tine's side.

"What happened?" I ask again.

"Intruder. Someone wearing a mask came in, and I was asleep. Wat heard, and he threw the knife on the bedside table to him, and it hit the man's hip. He managed to flee before we could do anything." Papa Tine explains.

I hear footsteps, and Joong and Kimhan enter the room in haste. Joong quickly comes to help Papa Tine while Kimhan walks around the room, searching for any proof. I walk up to him and pull at his sleeve.

"I think it's them," I say, signing with my eyes.

"Why would they need to harm your parents?" he asks me.

"You ask me after getting the threat?" I question him again.

Kimhan furrows his eyebrows as he looks around. He looks unsure of my words. Then he walks back to Papa Tine.

"Viscount Tine. Where did you keep the evidence file I gave you?" he asks.

"Umm... in that drawer." Papa Tine points at a drawer that is located past their bed. I look at the window which the intruder might've used. For the intruder to reach those lockers, he has to walk past the bed, which alerted Papa Wat.

"The Enigma, then." Papa Wat says, sounding a bit mad.

I nod at his words.

"He was walking to the drawer. So it all makes sense." he looks at the open door and asks the servants to walk outside after closing it. Then, he carefully keeps the bloody knife on the floor. "Not only that. I am sure someone in this manor belongs to the Enigma," he says.

"What?" I ask.

"Think it through. You said the Enigma got to know about your plans. And this, the intruder, knowing the specific place where we kept the evidence in this large manor. Not only that. In which drawer, to be specific." he explains. "Namcha, if you have larger plans to capture the Enigma group, first, you should eliminate the inside enemies. Because with inside enemies, you cannot eliminate the outside ones."

I notice that he seems a bit mad. Of course. He's mad because it almost cost his life and Papa Tine's life.

I watch as Papa Wat takes Papa Tine back to bed with concern in his eyes. He's more worried about papa Tine. Damn it.

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