I.V Training Harry and Daphne Part I

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It was the weekend after that press conference and Harry was perched on the edge of a chair, his big silver eyes wide as he looked up at Artemis. "Mama, what is going to happen on the 25 to 29th of this month, October?"

Artemis smiled and pulled her son into a hug. "Something special, I am taking you to Greece, for a very important ritual,"

"What kind of ritual?" asked the five-year-old boy.

"A ritual that will make you my Heir," said Artemis, her voice gentle but teasing.

"Mama, what does an Heir do? What is going to happen to the Dursleys?" he asked in awe.

Artemis smiled down at him and began to explain. "Little moon, an Heir to a goddess is different than a child of a goddess, as you know Harry, I am the Goddess of nature, vegetation, childbirth, wildlife, the hunt, sudden death, animals, virginity, young women, forests and hills, the moon and archery. Are you following?"

He nodded eagerly.

"Well," Artemis continued solemnly. "Every God or Goddess is allowed to have one heir per domain. Unlike a regular demigod who only has partial control of a domain, an heir has full control over the domain and can influence it - their level of control will be close to their parent's grasp on that domain. are you still with me or do you need me to explain further?"

Harry nodded again, his silver eyes absorbing everything. "So, I'll be like you?"

"Not exactly like me, but you will have a powerful connection to my domains, and you'll have abilities that most demigods don't have," Artemis explained. "As my Heir, you'll be one of the most powerful demigods. and once the ritual is complete it will begin an immortalization process that will take twenty years to complete."

"And what about the Dursleys?" Harry's question was filled with a mix of curiosity and trepidation.

Artemis frowned slightly, remembering the harm they had caused her beloved son in the past. "The Dursleys are being dealt with," she said in a tone that promised both justice and protection. "They will not be able to harm you or anyone else ever again."

Harry's eyes darkened as he asked, "Are they being punished for how they treated me?" Artemis nodded slowly and ran her fingers through his tangled hair. "Enough of that—how was your first week back at school now that the Dursleys are gone?" Harry smiled. "Good, Mama," he said, pulling a sheet of paper from his bag. "Here—I drew you a picture."

Artemis' smile returned, her dark mood lifted by the thought of seeing Harry's artwork. She took the paper and examined it. On it was a drawing of a tall woman with long flowing hair, standing beside a smaller figure of a boy, both surrounded by animals like deer, rabbits, and birds. Above them shone a large crescent moon, casting a silvery glow over the entire scene.

"This is beautiful, Harry," Artemis murmured, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "Is this us?"

Harry nodded enthusiastically. "It's you and me, Mama, in the forest with all the animals. And that's the moon, watching over us."

The goddess hugged her son tightly, touched by the simplicity and depth of the drawing. "I love it, little moon. It will have a special place in our home."

Harry giggled, "Can we put it next to the picture of Uncle Apollo?"

Artemis laughed softly. "Of course, we can. I'm sure Apollo will be thrilled to have such esteemed company on the wall."

Harry's eyes twinkled with mischief. "I just hope he doesn't get too jealous," he teased.

Artemis chuckled, her heart swelling with pride and love for her son. "I'm sure he'll manage. Now, how about we get ready to meet, Ariel remember who she is?"

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