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𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐩 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 6 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬:
Kook was 6 months pregnant and Tae was overprotective of him. Infact not only Tae but everybody.

Kook: Tae?

Tae: Hmm? You need something?

Kook: No but don't you think Yn has became more distant with us? I mean she doesn't talk with us as much as she used to..

Tae: Hmm I also noticed.. Let's talk to her?

Kook: Come..

They both went to Yn and Ara's room where
Yn was studying as usual.

Kook: Yn?

Yn: Hmm?

Tae: Stop studying for sometime and come spend sometime with us..

Yn: Yes dadda, let me just finish with this chapter..

Tae: Yn no, I'm seeing you're overworking yourself and being more distant. Baby listen to me, study is important but your health is more important.

Yn: I know Dadda but I want to make you both proud..

Kook: We are always proud of you love, it doesn't depend on your marks..

Yn: Ok fine! (gave up)

They were going downstairs with Yn and Tae holding Kook's hand to make sure he does not fall in case.

As they came in the living room, they saw Ara watching TV

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As they came in the living room, they saw Ara watching TV. As soon as Ara saw them, her eyes lightened up but eventually she pouted and turned her head back to the TV ignoring them completely.

Tae: (frowned his brows) What Happened love?..(soft)

Ara: I don't want to talk to you..

Tae: Wae? What did I do? (pout)

Ara: Not only you, all three of you.. (pointed at them)

Kook: What did we do to make you angry..

Ara: Dadda and Appa are always busy with each other and Unnie is always busy with her studies. Nobody spends time with me (pout and teary eyes)

Kook: (came near her and hugged her) Aww, we are sorry princess..We promise we'll spend the whole day with you today.. Okay?

Ara: Hmm.. (still sad)

Yn also became sad seeing her sad so she came near Ara and whispered something in her ears making her jump and hug Yn.

Tae: What did you tell her?..(curious)

Yn: I told her that she can go hangout with her friends..

Kook: Alone?

Yn: Aniyo.. I'll go with her..

Tae: That's good but make sure to take care of her and yourself and most importantly take the guards with you..

Yn: Yes Dadda.. (nodded)

They both went to their room to get ready. Tae and Kook's just smiled at them and started watching TV.

While they were watching it, Look screamed a little putting his hands on his stomach making Tae worried.

Tae: What's wrong Baby?.. (worried)

Kook: Nothing, just a kick..

Tae smiled and started rubbing his stomach to ease the pain.

After a while, Yn and Ara came down..

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But by seeing Yn's outfit, Kook got up and came near her

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But by seeing Yn's outfit, Kook got up and came near her.

Kook: Yn princess, you aren't going out wearing this.. This is too short and plus it's cold outside, you're gonna get sick..(protective)

Yn: Okay, I'll change it..(pout)

She went upstairs. While Ara went to Look and hugged his legs.

Ara: Appa?

Kook: Yes love?..

Ara: Is it a girl or a boy?..

Kook: We'll find out as I give birth..

Ara: Is giving birth painful? (innocent doe eyes)

Kook: Yes it is but it's all worth it at the end..

Ara giggled cutely making Kook smile. In the meanwhile, Yn came down wearing a better outfit.

After Looking agreed with it, Yn and Ara went to their friends.

To be Continued
Sorry for the short chapter..

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