Planning and Preparation (Part 2)

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I was rushing around Malfoy Manor trying to find Mother. She had decided to strip the Manor down and rebuild it so every time I needed her I would have to go on a manhunt throughout the Manor to try and find which room she was in. Mother had decided to make a lot of changes after the war and our pardoning. Father was sent to Azkaban and had recently received the dementor's kiss. Both Mother and I were sad, even depressed. But I would be lying if I said we didn't fell relieved. Mother loved father yes, but she was always in chains with him, and somewhere in their marriage love turned into fear so... She is now known as Narcissa Black. I decided to remain Draco Malfoy. 

It was nearing the end of October and the start of September, it felt odd not to be in Diagon Alley buying the new years supplies I thought as I walked into the Library and found Mother. 

"Ahh Draco, I was just on my way to find you."

"Oh, any particular reason why?"

"Yes in fact, I have a letter for you."


"Patience my boy! It's from Professor McGonagall, Headmistress of Hogwarts."

"... Profe-Professor McGonagall?"

"Yes darling she asked if you wanted to return to Hogwarts to complete your seventh year. She also said that if you do decide to return she will have a special assignment for you to complete to keep your mind of ... well.. you-know-what. She has also conveyed that she will take care of your protection."

It took me a minute to process the information. I had a chance to return to Hogwarts and complete my education, but I wasn't sure if every one was going to be as welcoming as McGonagall.  But in the end it it my education that comes first. He was strong enough to keep himself in check and protect himself, 

"I know what I want to do Mother."

"Oh, I have already sent a letter back saying that you will redo your seventh year. I know you give your education utmost importance.

"You know me very well Mother."


This task McGonagall has given me is very, very and I mean VERY tough! And the information this revealed was enormous. McGonagall had a sister who fell out with her and travelled into the future and set up a muggle school with another witch Clarissa Mullins. And now McGonagall had written a letter apologising for every wrong she did and had invited her sister to visit along with a few of her muggle student. I know she is breaking a lot of magical laws, but she said that in the future all muggles know about magic, but only as a story of fiction. Her sister had immediately agreed  to come and said she would bring her oldest batch consisting of mainly 18yr olds and some 19yr olds. McGonagall had said that I would be there to help with plans for transportation and anything else. 

There was 5 days left until we had to transport the entire Oakwood Academy Senior Class to Hogwarts. I had Floo'ed into McGonagall's sisters office. It was weird in her office, there were werid instruments in her office. There was a huge black box on her wall, there was also a black box on her desk but it was filled with moving pictures. She welcomed me warmly.

"Good Morning Mr.Malfoy."

"Good Morning Ms. McGonagall."

"Please, call me Rochelle or as the students prefer 'Rocket'."

""You let your students call you rocket??"

"Mhh Yes, it makes them feel more comfortable around me."

"Oh. Anyways back to business. How do yo plan on transporting your students?"

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