chapter 2: watch where your going idiot

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Warning: slight cussing and mentions of homicide

Vincent's POV:

Good job Vincent.. you saved him, greattt.. gah I'm so fucking pathetic. "Uhm hey Vincent?? You there?" A woman's voice said. "Huh-? Oh sorry, lost in thought you know.." I said to my friend, Manon.

"As I was saying.. I'm gonna break up with that red headed stepchild tomorrow, he's getting on my last fucking nerve.." Manon said as she exaggeratedly,

god this bitch is so annoying.. I just want to bash her head in sometimes... "Yeah.." I agreeing with her as I was cooking, she just kept talking and talking.. Augh...

"Manon could you shut the fuck up?!" I yelled at her, she deserved it.. "ouch? Jeez you could've just said to please stop talking...Asshole" she said walking off into the hallway. Finally, some peace and fucking quiet..

Rody's POV:

As me and my friends walked through the school to get to our class I bumped into the cutest girl in school, my girlfriend! She kinda fell over- "Oh hey Manon, sorry- that was an accident-" I said extended my hand to help her up, just to get it slapped away.. "hey wh-"

"Shut up you dumbass! How dare you bumb into me!?"

"I- I didn't mean to I'm sorry ba-"

"No!! Shut up Rody!! And don't call me along the lines of 'babe' or 'baby'!!! We aren't together anymore you fucking freak!!"


As I sat on the floor, on the verge of tears.. she walked away like nothing happened.. hot tears streamed down my face as I sat on the floor, desperate, alone...


"Dude you don't need that bitch!" Said my friend Zoro, it's been a week since me and Manon broke up.. "yeah dude, that bitch doesn't know what she's getting herself into!" Said Jessie.

"Guys, I'd rather not talk about my beautiful ex girlfriend right now~!!" I whisper yelled. Rumors has been going around that Manon was dating someone else while dating me.. but who?

Sorry for the short chapter once again, I'm bad at the whole writing bit- but ty for 11 reads 🤩

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