chapter 4: talking.

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Warning!: first chapter with smut in it, also cussing and a friend break up

Narrator's POV:

"So, have you heard? There's more and more people going missing every since they found Manon's body in the rose bush in the back of the school.." Rody said, sitting down next to Vincent.

"Yeah I have, how tragic" Vincent said, trying to hide the growing smirk on his face. "I can't believe someone is that fucked up in the head to kidnap people.." Rody said, being genuine.

"Hey, do you wanna hang out tonight?" Vincent said to Rody

Rody's POV:

"Oh, sure!" I said with a smile. "But would it be just like a study thing or like us actually hanging out?" I asked, not wanting to sound rude about it. "Like a hangout maybe?" Vincent said with a soft smile, his face was so pretty.. and his hands.. they were soft and— No, not here, not now Rody!!

"Uh yeah we can!" I said, smiling back at him. "Great! Cya then?" He said grabbing his bag and standing up. "Yup! Cya then Vince!" I said standing up to.

He then walked away to his car and I walked back over to Zoro. "What was that all about?" Zoro said looking up at me. "Nothin, we were just talking!" I said happily.

"Ooooh, now I get it, ever since Jessie disappeared you're trying to find a replacement!" Zoro said angerly. "wh-what!? No! Never!!" I said, snapping back immediately. "Fine, if you wanna fuck the goth loner boy than go ahead, because if he's the fucking murderer then I'm not saving your sorry ass from him!!" He yelled, he grabbed his keys off the bench and walked away.

"W-what- WAIT- ZORO!? WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" I yelled, he knew I didn't have a way back home from the park, so why was he leaving now!?

"I'm leaving youre dumbass here to rot in you're fucking sorrow, find a way home yourself fuckface" he shouted back, he continued to walk to his car, I just stood there, it was already getting to be dark so I started my way towards Vincents house since I know where it is from the park.


I stepped onto Vincents porch, that seemed old and rickety, I walked over to the door and knocked, then I heard footsteps. These weren't his footsteps, I would know, Ive memorized what his footsteps sound like...

The door swung open, revealing a well dressed woman with black long hair. "And you are?" She said, looking me up and down. "Uh- v-" I was cut off by the familiar sound of Vincents voice.
"Oh! Auntie sue, this is my friend, Rody!" He said, walking out to introduce me to his 'aunt'

"Rody, this is my aunt sue, aunt sue this is Rody" he said, he sounded like he was rushing through his words. "Anyways he's hear to hangout with me and spend the night" he said, before adding on, "it is a weekend after all!" He said with a bright smile, ive never seen him.. this happy?

Before I knew it I was being dragged up stairs to his room so we could watch a movie, I guess.

"Sooo what do you wanna watch?" He said looking through his DVD case. "I dunno, what all do you have?" I said, sitting down on the edge of his bed.

"Okay so I have: hunger games, the full collection, I have where the wild things are (it's a really good movie, I suggest you watch it) , uhmm I have fast 'n furious 1,2,3 and 4 and inside out" he explained. "Uhm could we watch hunger games?" I asked, hoping to not be called a nerd again.

"Yeah of course!!" He said putting in the disk to the DVD player, he then tossed me a blanket and we both sat up against the head board watching the tv.

Vincent's POV:

This was my time to strike most likely, but what if he didn't like me back? What if I killed those people for nothing.

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