Can I ask you a Question ?

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It had been a truly wonderful afternoon together for Liv and Fitz. From their shortly enjoyed morning coffee, to spending time together out on the beach, to him cooking her a fantastic late lunch. Even now, she could hear him puttering around her kitchen, washing the dishes and putting them away. He had insisted on doing the cleanup, saying it was part of his new full package maid service debt he owed her.

So, she had left him to it.

Her full belly was making it difficult to keep her eyes open. Grabbing a square blue couch pillow, she laid down on her side and curled her little body into a ball. She was out in seconds.

When Fitz had finished with the kitchen, he made some coffee and poured two mugs. He knew better than to even glance at the saltshaker as he poured. With a big proud smile on his face, he went into the living room where Liv was probably reading more of her book.

The sight of her sleeping peacefully in a little ball of cuteness had his heart skipping again. Putting the mugs down on the coffee table, Fitz stood in front of her sleeping form admiringly. Here she was, sound asleep, breathing in and out through her mouth with her dainty little hands neatly tucked under the blue pillow. It was the most mundane thing that every human being did like clockwork.

Somehow, it didn't look mundane when Liv slept. It looked like a piece of art that should be displayed in a gallery. She was truly beautiful, and completely at peace.

His hand itched to touch her soft skin. It moved – almost as if of its own volition – towards her face, before he realized what was happening and dropped it immediately to his side. The movement was so quick, the palm of his hand actually slapped his outer thigh. The sound seemed so much louder to his own ears.

His eyes doubled in size and his brained screamed "IDIOT!"

Liv's body stirred slightly, and she sighed.

Fitz stopped breathing.

She would definitely think he was a creep for looking at her while she slept.

When her eyes stayed closed, and his body told him he was in the clear; that it was indeed safe to breathe now, he inhaled through his nose. That had been too close!

The faded yellow thin throw hanging over the back of the couch behind her caught his eye. Very carefully, he draped it over her body and smiled again. She looked as comfortable, and content as could be.

As much as he wanted to continue watching her, he decided on something else. Very quietly, he carried the mugs back into the kitchen, and poured her coffee down the drain. After washing the lone mug and putting it into the drainer, he saw a magnetized memo pad on her fridge and brought it and his mug to the table. He began making a list as he emptied his cup.

When his clean mug was sitting in the drainer beside hers, Fitz scribbled a note to Liv – in case she woke up before he got back - took the list he had made, and quietly tiptoed upstairs to grab his shoes and car keys. Taking the outside route to avoid waking Liv up from her nap, he walked to his car and drove to the grocery store.

Taking his time, he smelled and thumped produce for freshness and spoke to the man working in the meat department for the best cut of steak. He knew he'd be cooking all the meals for the next few days, so he bought enough food for that. Remembering Liv's request for something other than seafood, he made sure to buy only enough for one more meal consisting of it. When everything was in his cart and he was making his way towards the cash registers to pay, he saw a small floral department inside the store. Thinking again of the sleeping ball of beautiful female on the couch, Fitz smiled and veered his cart in the direction of the fragrance calling to him.

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