A Storm Is Coming

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"Found the door handle." Fitz murmured against Liv's lips.

"I didn't know it was missing." she laughed.

"It's kinda hard to find...mmm...when there's a...very handsy woman keeping me from...uhhhh thinking straight." He admitted. She was walking backwards with a large grin on her face as she held his hand. He glanced away from her for a split second. "Also, it looks like it's gonna rain."

"Are you really giving me a weather forecast right now, Fitz?" Liv teased.

He chuckled at her. She was now at arm's length away from him. Stopping in his tracks, he gently tugged her back to where he stood.

She bumped into his chest but wasn't at all upset about it. Flicking her eyes up at his she expected a playful grin, and that's exactly what she saw.

His arms came around her waist and Fitz told her in a sarcastic tone, "no, but the window is right there and there's a storm coming in out there."

Liv grabbed the front of his t-shirt and pulled him down for yet another kiss. This one was less sweet and slow. It was ravenous. Her tongue slid into his mouth and while he was preoccupied with the feeling of being taken over, he never noticed her nimble little fingers tugging his shirt up over his chiseled upper body. When it was finally over his head and dropped onto the floor, she raised an eyebrow at him and said in a sultry voice, "I hate to tell you, but there's a storm coming in here too."

A light animalistic sound bubbled up through him and his grip on her tightened slightly.

"You're a sneaky one, aren't ya?" He asked with a grin.

"I can be." she admitted. "I've been dying to touch your chest for days now. With your consent of course."

"Of course." He repeated playfully. "Just know that whatever you do to me is going to be done to you."

"I'm totally fine with that." She declared proudly. "I'll even make it easier for you."

Liv grabbed the hem of her shirt and was about to rid herself of the garment, when his large hands swatted her tiny ones away. "Thank you for the offer, but I think I can manage on my own."

He watched her splay her hands open and gently touch the firm skin of his chest. She seemed mesmerized by what she saw and was experiencing. He was more than sure he would have a similar reaction when he did the same to her. All in good time though. After a few minutes of listening to her appreciate his nude upper half, Fitz could feel the anticipation building like a fire in his bones. He continued walking her backwards until the backs of her legs touched the side of the mattress. "Before this goes any further, I want you to know that you can say stop at any time and it will be fine. I promise. I just want you to be completely comfortable; before I bend you into a pretzel and do things to you."

"Thank you for that assurance. Really. It's nice to know that there is no pressure if this doesn't feel right or turns out to be something I don't want." It was so refreshing to hear a man say something like that before sex and genuinely mean it. "It's very sweet. Unnecessary, but sweet."

"It might be lame, but I also want to take this slow. I don't want to rush through the sex just to get to the finish line. I want to take my time with you and please you. So, you're gonna have to be vocal about what you like and what you don't like. Okay?"

"Agreed. Same goes for you. We are both too grown to be faking pleasure when in reality it's not what we want. That doesn't help anyone at all and just leaves someone feeling frustrated."

"Do you think we need a safe word?" he joked, making a face.

"Yes." Liv was absolutely gleeful to see the flash of panic on his face.

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