Chapter 10: Kane of the Mountains

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"Spectacular! Stupendous! I wish I had seen it in person but since I am currently in a state of low exhaustion thanks to a long period of torture and confinement..." Ignitus rolled his eyes as Volteer continued to jabber on.
"Yes, yes it was certainly a...trial by fire as it were. However, I am concerned that this may draw attention to this location. We know Swarm was working for the Dark Master. His defeat by the Zords may have consequences down the road. Which is why we need to retrieve the rest of the Guardians quickly." Byrd hopped on onto a stool.
"I was thinking the same thing. If the told tin can is able to get me a new arsenal together, I will work on putting on some camouflage defenses around the temple. Maybe I can get some of them flying sticks to help-if they ain't too chicken."

"Come, young knights. Boomer will tend to any repairs needed to the Zords. I have uncovered your next target," Ignitus nodded.

Inside the Chamber of Awakening, Ignitus lit up the pool before them. A vision of high grassy mountains and statues came into view.
"Cyril, the Ice Guardian, has been located in the mountainous region of the High Plains. This is the home of a tribe of people known as the Atwala."
"Bless you", Sparx interjected. The Flame Guardian glared back.
"The Atwala are a race that worship the seasons and the land. However, thanks to the Phantom Knight, they have been driven underground and their shrine has been taken over by the ape army. I believe the shrine is where Cyril is being help."

"No problem, we can just use the Zords to fly over there and—" Cassidy started.

"That would be unwise. You risk being spotted by the Phantom Knight and you are currently not ready to face them or their Zord", Ignitus cautioned.
"He has a point. But I didn't see Ayrp anywhere. How are we supposed to get to the High Plains", Eljah asked. The dragon pulled up a map.
"The Mothzord is the smallest Zord among you. There's a plateau right here that leads into the deep jungle. After that, you'll be on your own. Take a rest. You'll need to leave in an hour to arrive there before dark. Butch told the party he would be in the dojo for a bit.

Butch was punching an ape-shaped dummy when Ignitus walked in. He was demorphed as straw and cotton spat fragments at him with each strike. The dragon waited for him to finish as Butch delivered blow after blow until he collapsed on his rear and wiped the sweat from his brow. "You fight was one with something on their mind", Ignitus mused. Butch pulled his knees to his chest and folded his arms over them.
"I really messed up back there."
"How so?"
"I used the Dragon Rage like you showed me but...people...innocent people got hurt and.... I know now what I did was dumb but I am the red ranger! I'm supposed to be the leader. People count on me to back them up! This is my chance to really take on that role and...ARRGH!" Butch threw a hooked jab at the dummy and the dojo echoed the sound of ripping cloth and the soft thudding of the dummy's head.
"I do not know how the Dragon Knights work on your world, but here, red does not always mean leader. The element of flame can shine in the darkness but it is not higher than other elements. We have all made mistakes and regrets in our time. I understand the pain of failure and I let it hold me down. A good leader learns from their mistakes and rides above them. And his team will be there to pick them up-if they are a leader worth following." Butch tossed the broken dummy head with one hand.
"I suppose so. Thanks, Ignitus."


"This is a LOT of purple", Butch commented as they all piled into the cockpit of the Mothzord. They heard a trilling sound from the Zord.
"Mothy says that you wear too much red you have the manners of a cardinal", Elijah chuckled.
"Why you—wait, you can understand this bug?"
"That's what I said", Sparx commented.
"So, the chatter bug is coming with us? Great", Helena grumbled. "What can I say? Without me, you'd be lost. Now then, let's get this giant flutter thing on the road."

Power Rangers: Dragon Knights. (Legend of Spyro AU/Power Rangers) Nanowrimo 2023Where stories live. Discover now