Chapter 13: Cracks in the Darkness

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Elijah had to practically run just to keep up with Butch. They chose to take the northern tunnel. According to Mole-Yair this was where the apes were having the Manweersmalls harvest the steel for weaponry. Crude lanterns hung over their heads though they casted very little light. Their horns barely added much more in the way of illumination.
"So, and Kirby seem to know each other." Elijah was a little caught off guard with the statement. "Yeah, we used to be best friends since kindergarten, why?"
"I dunno. Just talking, I guess. This tunnel is scarily quiet. I hate it when things are quiet-it freaks me out. I mean, you're obviously not the most athletic or the smartest. And we don't even know what exactly you can do. And Helena keeps looking at you funny..."
"Huh? I thought that was her normal face", Sparx joked.
"Ya don't know her like I do. You see- "Elijah shoved Butch to the side behind crates and told him to be quiet.

The Manweersmalls were lined up against the walls with heavy tools in hand as ape wardens marched back and forth with whips in hand. A larger guards stood before purple orbs that were fastened to the ground with iron cages. Tethers of magical energy emitted from the orbs and were fastened to jeweled collars around the slave's necks. Hanging from the central point of the ceiling was a large white gem. The purple knight could count about five ape guards in total. A pair of them for each orb in the ground and one what was marching along the rails keeping an eye on both the workers and the cart behind him. More of the goblin creatures were pushing the cart on rails and dumping the ore inside.

"You stay back here behind this rock. I'll handle this." Butch said as he shoved Elijah down to a seating position. The purple knight flicked Butch's hands from his shoulders. "I can handle myself, thank you", Elijah hissed back. Butch's hands clenched and unclenched uneasily. "Look it's...safer here. And you're not exactly armed and you are already out of breath."
"Why is this now an issue? Look we don't have time to be arguing about this. The volcano is going to blow any minute and not even you are fireproof."
"Ugh why was I paired with you? As least Cassidy and Kirby..." The tunnel began to rumble even worse this time. The lanterns began to sway and creak against their fastenings. One above of the Manweesmall that was close to the hidden pair snapped and plummeted to the unsuspecting creature.

The lamp crashed onto the ground and oil and embers spilled out on impact. Butch ran up to where Elijah and the Manweesmall he had rescued and covered them with his shield just as an ape swung his whip down upon them. "Heh so much for the subtle approach. Actually, this is more my style! Come on, ya posers! I'm the Red Ranger, and you are fired!" Butch slammed into the largest ape and shoved them against one of the orbs. The cage cracked and the magic holding the slaves flickered.
"I think his puns are getting worse", sighed Sparx.
"Yeah, I have to agree. Come on. Help me find a hammer or something."


Kirby, Cassidy, Mole-Yair, and Sargent Byrd had taken the southern passage to where the ore was being refined and shaped into more weapons. Cassidy held her hands on her bow as she nervously plucked the string. "Kirby, are you sure it was a good plan to leave the kid with Butch? I mean, you know how Butch can get carried away when he is in the zone."
"Well we're kind of short on brains with Helena drawing fire outside and he is the next best thing. Besides, I know Elijah will keep the tough guy in check."
Forges coughed smoke and cinders as more of the pig faced goblinoids slammed hammers on anvils as they shaped the metal into crude pieces of armor and swords. Manweersmalls were stationed near the forces and were being forced to throw coal into the furnaces and fire up the bellows. "Zee kreebals are dumb but they are effective when given motivation. The apes use them for labor since we Manweermsalls aren't as strong in the heavy lifting department", Mole-Yair explained. Kirby huffed as he looked around.
"I count about fifteen apes and who knows how many of those kreebal creeps. I wouldn't be against a good rumble if we weren't against the clock." Cassidy tapped his shoulder and pointed to a crate marked explosives that was sitting near an ore pile.
"I think I can make it go boom with a good charged shot. But I don't know after that." Byrd stepped up onto a nearby crate.
"Well obviously I'll help with the distraction. It looks like those orbs are what's keeping the Manweersmalls from escaping. The big guy can smash them."
"Exactly. The mystic chains are what keeps us from just burrowing away to freedom. I only got lucky because an earthquake had broken the crystal powering mine", Mole-Yair added in.
"Let's go team!"

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