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stefan sterling [ jb management ]
roxana elba [ roxy ]

stefan sterling
hey roxana! hope you had a good time last night. quick update on the PR stunt with jude bellingham—we need to set up a meeting ASAP to discuss details and finalize the contract. how's your schedule looking?

roxana elba
hey! yeah, last night was a blur. about the meeting, can we delay it a bit? i'm a bit tied up today.

stefan sterling
no problem at all! we can push it to tomorrow if that works for you. just need to make sure everything is in order before we proceed.

roxana elba
tomorrow works. what time are we looking at?

stefan sterling
how about 2 PM? gives everyone some time to recover from the weekend, you know?

roxana elba
haha, yeah, sounds good. and, um, any chance we can chat before the meeting? there's something i need to discuss.

stefan sterling
of course, roxana. we're here for you. what's on your mind?

roxana elba
so... i kind of bumped into jude last night at the club, and things got a bit messy. we, uh, made out. it's all over twitter now, and i'm freaking out.

stefan sterling
oh, wow. that escalated quickly. let's breathe for a moment. we can address this in the meeting. just be honest about the situation, and we'll figure out the best way to handle it. people love drama, right?

roxana elba
drama is one thing, but this feels like a hurricane. i haven't even had a chance to talk to jude about the whole PR thing. what if he's not on board?

stefan sterling
don't worry, we'll sort it out. focus on your side of things for now. we'll strategize during the meeting. remember, we're a team, and we've got your back.

roxana elba
thanks. i appreciate that. let's hope this meeting is damage control and not a disaster.

stefan sterling
agreed. tomorrow at 2 PM. stay strong, roxana. we'll get through this together.

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