PART 1: Envy

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I walk this lonely stone road.

Cold wind is blowing, nature's sounds are all around.

I am Randur, a priest of yellow, and I have been banished.

Banished for the sins I have done. All seven of them.

I was jealous of others, proud of my own performance, hateful of some, I feasted when I should not have, slumbered when I needed to do my priest duties, had a love interest in the wrong way, and I wanted riches, many riches, all for my name.

That is unacceptable in my homeland of Donjire. And so, send away I was.

And now, I am on this path, on a journey to restore my good character.

I now feel that what I have done is wrong, and I know of only one way to fix it.

I need to reach the seven shrines of the sins, scattered across the lands of Nurun.

If the gods can have mercy on me so give me forgiveness, my sin can be cleansed and I shall walk free from it.

I am ready to face the consequences, after all I have done, I deserve it.

The shrines of the sins call me, and I shall travel until all my sins are undone.

My judgement might have been clouded in the past, and I now walk with the burden of the misfortune weighed on me by the sins, but I will do all that it takes to rid my soul of these horrific things.

Before me, the path stretches, through all of the world.

Mountains, forests, plains, all the natural wonders of Nurun, cold and warm.

With my satchel mirroring the weight of my burden, my yellow robe representing my devotion, and my staf to guide me, I now set of, to restore my trust in my fellow priests of Yellow.

The path is long, weary and cold, but I am determined for the light at the end of this journey.

It is not the physical challenges that make me worried for the path; Its the inner turmoil, the weight of my past decisions that pressures the most on me.

With this path I thread, I seek not only absolution, but also enlightenment. Perhaps through this hope, I will learn to avoid the actions that have snared me into this.

May the gods hear my prayers and give me a chance to redeem myself, one shrine at a time.

And so, my journey begins, My first stop awaits in the Hills of Banatres, the shrine of Envy.

Its the coldest region in Nurun, snow capped mountains and roads, sparsely populated, a few villages and hamlets scattered about the region.

As I enter it, seeing the snow and the dead trees among the path, branches extending to me like accusing fingers, I push my determination.

The cold wind blows hard, trying to pierce through my robe, trying to blow my hood of.

Amidst this desolate landscape, in the mountains, the shrine of Envy lies.

Its in front of the entrance to a ruined temple, devoted to Rulod, the god of Envy.

The snow crunches under my feet as the road becomes more attached to nature, leaving no space for habitation.

I have passed by some hamlets for guidance, and they told me to "Use the stairs".

And now before my eyes I see it, leading to a place above, a mighty stone staircase, there among the snow and freezing temperatures.

I start the long climb, knowing I will find the shrine at the end, there is no other way.

The icy wind blows, tugging at my robe, as if it was signalling me to turn back, but my determination to cure myself from these sins is the biggest boost to push though this.

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