PART 3: Wrath

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I walk the path. For my pride is now gone.

Stone path leading towards the next sin I will face.

The encounter with Mona Inanis at the shrine of Pride is something I will never forget.

Energy from the cleansing still pulses in me, reminding me of the journey still ahead.

"Vainglory is gone" I keep reminding myself. But the words of the goddess of Pride still circle in me.

"I have felt the other sins in you."

I might have two sins gone, but there are still five to be undone.

Its time for my next stop. Onward I must go, my journey be the longest, but I will still prevail.

As I walk the path, I see a man in a purple robe holding a staff.

A priest of Purple.

"Hey, did you see that!?" He says, a hint of worry is in his tone.

"I have not seen anything, what is happening, brother?"

"What? There was a purple beam... Coming from the sky! It was in the mountains, I swear it!"

Oh, that was most likely the process of me being cleansed from pride.

It is wiser to not speak of that in front of another priest, especially if its a priest of another type.

"Brother, that sounds... I can't even tell how that sounds! I did not witness it, but i'm sure that what you saw was very eye catching!"

"I do know, Yellow brother, I'm going to report this to the Purple Cathedral this instant!"

"Thank you for bringing it to my attention, Purple brother, the lands of Nurun hold many mysteries, and I will try to get a glimpse of it to the Yellow Cathedral as soon as I can."

Having given a nod, the priest of Purple wanders further among the path back to Fuowad.

I feel a pang off guilt for having to lie like that. But it was necessary to keep the peace between the regions of Nurun. War is a thing of the past on this world, and although there are soldiers, they are few, and its mostly bar fights and petty thievery what they deal with.

Peace is widespread. Although the next stop on my journey looks less so.

I enter the scorched land of Blood Gralis. The region centered around the biggest volcano in Nurun, the Blood Volcano.

The dark land lays bare before me.

Dark ground, burned trees, a dark sky full of smoke, volcanic ash in the howling wind. 

Its a true testament to the sin I have come to undo: Wrath.

The walk reminds me of my own rage that burned me in the past. This region resonates with the destructive power of Wrath.

Living conditions in Blood Gralis must be hard to adapt to, i'm not going to be staying for long.

I traverse through the forest of burned trees, burned branches and dead bushes and plants among the way.

The smell of sulfur in the sky is adding to the wrath. I feel it burning in me, but here, in Blood Gralis, it will be undone. 

In the distance, I see some villages, a bunch of wooden houses in groups, spread all over the land. And in the distance, the grandeur of the Red cathedral towers.

The Red Cathedral is not located in a city in this region, I can't tell why, but they probably have their reasons. All have their reasons in this world.

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