PART 3,5: Stay with Asan

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Behind me, as I walk away, an explosion is heard.

Iram has vanished. Gone in a red flash.

The sky is even darker... Evening has fallen. I can see that, despite the vast expanse of smoke in the sky, and the cold blowing wind, spreading sulfur everywhere it goes.

My wrath is now gone, but now, I have to hurry to Krunis, the next shrine sits there.

There, I could find an inn, and there I can stay for the night.

I can see the scorched trees, a sight indicating i'm at the normal ground again.

Back on solid ground, it feels much better, and less steep.

I look up, and see a red streaming smoke plume emerging from the volcano.

Its a signal from Iram, a sigh that he has been here.

I walk through the woods, back to the village I went to when I entered Blood Gralis.

And wow, there is something going on now. People are staring at the sky, the red plume of smoke.

I feel a slight pang of guilt, it was me who caused it, and I do really feel bad for the situation I have caused here.

I approach one of the groups of people staring at the sky, but i'm stopped...

By Asan? Yes, that's Asan! The boy I met in this here village when I entered!

"Mister priest! Something happened on top of the volcano! Mommy and daddy told me to go inside and hide! Do you know what happened, did you see it?"

"Hey, Asan, its all ok, alright? That was part of my journey, it was a powerful occurrence on top of the mountain, but its nothing for you to worry about, ok?"

I choose my words carefully. Asan is a child, and I do not want to scare him.

"My daddy told me to always be brave, and that where we live has some interesting things that the other parts of the world don't have, like, one time, mommy told me that in the other regions, there is a clear blue sky! That sounds completely impossible!"

"But it is, son, the priest you are talking too has seen it, just ask if you want proof!"

I see a man and a woman approach, from their clothing, they are locals of the village just like Asan.

"Ah, hi, you two are Asan's parents, I presume?"

"Yes we are, Asan has told us he talked to a priest, so that must be you?"

"Ah, yes, that is me. I am Randur, I'm on a pilgrimage to cleanse myself of my sins."

"So, those explosions from top of the Blood Volcano, that was you?"

"Yes... Yes it was me, it was not my intention, I attempted to call on the god of Wrath, and he mistook me for a trespasser, so, yes, I do hold responsibility for that, and I am deeply sorry for anyone that was scared."

My words escape my lips. But I do it with intention, as a priest, I don't want to lie to people, that would be abuse of my position, my title, and I would feel very bad for that.

"Well, its already good that you are fair to us, I assume you won't be in Blood Gralis longer?"

"Yes, I intent to move on to Krunis as soon as possible."

"Well, Asan here is very fond of you, he has never been so energetic as he was before, and we have you to thank for that."

They get very thankful gazes, and they are pointed straight at me. The father comes to me.

"As a thanks, we are offering you to stay at our place for the night, we don't mind, and Asan would be very happy!"

Wow. That was unexpected.

But I accept their hospitality, and to make a child happy I would do anything.

"Thank you, I will accept your offer to stay."

"Alright, follow us, I am Ronan, Asan's father, and that is my wife Hera."

"Its nice to meet you, Ronan and Hera, and I must say, you have raised a very good boy."

I give Asan a pat on his shoulder. He chuckles after I do that.

"yes, Asan is very sweet boy, he was a bit introverted and ignorant in his early years, but now he plays with the other children and does his chores at home with a smile!"

"Mommy, please don't speak like that to mr. Priest!"

He and his mother banter for a bit. Its a whole thing to watch.

We reach a wooden house, familiar among the other houses.

Ronan opens the door.

I proceed to get a full tour of the house, Asan shows me everything.

By the time he is finished and we are sitting at the dinner table, my head is spinning.

"Hey, Randur, do you mind telling us about your journey so far?" Hera asks.

"Well, I have passed by the Hills of Banatres, the Column plains and now here, three out of seven, so I believe i'm going good."

"Good to hear, Randur."

The rest of the night continues, and the next day, I say my goodbyes and head out to the next destination on my journey.

I will never forget Asan, his parents and their kindness.

Its a thing that happened that showed me that there is kindness in people, further driving away the cleansed wrath.

But for now, its time to leave this scorched land with a sky full of smoke and head out.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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