¹⁵My Death

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Y/n's POV

"What are you doing,Y/n-nim?" The maid asked me when I started taking the dirty plates.

Nanny left earlier to sleep while I didn't feel like sleeping as I felt haunted.

I just want to busy myself.

"I'm helping yo-- I couldn't finish my sentence when she took away the plates from me and I looked at her in shock.

"Don't worry." She bowed and left quickly.

She was scared of me. I could feel it.

I didn't want to scare people. I wasn't a Mafia. I felt so offended and bad so I followed her to the kitchen.

The girl was washing the dishes,she was one of the maid who carried one of my bags the first day I came.

I just wanted to be friends with her and she seemed of my age. I didn't want anything else.

I took the plate she washed and started drying it with a cloth.

"Y/n-nim,it's not--

"You don't have to be scared of me. I'm not that cold boss for you to be afraid of me." I said softly.

"A-actually,we want to talk to you but--

"But what?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Taehyung-nim said w-we shouldn't talk you." She replied.

"What the-- How could he say that?" It got me pissed off. He literally blocked all my paths.

"I-I don't know. Y-You have to leave Y/n-nim. If the others sees you with me then I'll lose my job." She pleaded and my mouth just went agape.

Was I in a fucking jail?

He wasn't there with me but what the maid said was a clear sign that I was been watched 24/7 as if I was in a reality show.

Why couldn't he think about my likes?

I was asking myself that question as if he was ever going to value me.

After all,I was his fucking property.

I just hated him.

I was going to confront him about it thou I was scared but I had to know why he limited the people to talk to in the mansion.

Taehyung's POV

I opened the room and I saw the spy who just fucked up my business. It was the drug deal I planned with Mr Xhang.

I told Felix to go take the delivery but something so stupid happened.

Felix found out that a spy leaked all my information to the police.

Some people really didn't love their life.

They are just thirsty for my bloody hands.

I sat a backwards pose on the chair. Lighted my cigar,I puffed in the smoke,my eyes darted on the spy. He  wanted to bring me down but he was going to be brought down instead of me.

The Mafia's Reluctant Bride √ Mafia K.TH|CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now