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Eve sighed pacing her dorm room why was every single lead to her father a dead end? Every lead that had been found in auradon had been a dead end it was almost as if her father had been erased from all the history books if she couldn't find the answers she was looking for in auradon maybe it was time to pay a visit to the isle of the lost. Eve's door opened and two very familiar females walked into her room. Eve sighed stopping her pacing and turned to face the two females. Mal immediately took notice of how tired Elsa's daughter looked and her face grew worried Eve when was the last time you slept?" Mal asked her voice filled with worry. Eve shrugged i don't know maybe two months ago?" Mal looked even more worried Eve this isn't healthy you need sleep." I can't sleep Mal I need to find my father". Eve replied. Evie spoke up Mal is right Eve you need sleep". The two vks pouted and said innocently with puppy dog eyes please"? Eve sighed i can't I need to find my Eve's sentence was cut off by a loud yawn fromElsa's daughter. Come on Eve you need Sleep Mal said". Eve sighed and yawned again fine" mal grabbed Eve's hand and pulled her into the bathroom changing eve into her pjs. Eve sighed and said tiredly love you Mal" mal smiled as she finished putting Eve's pjs on and grabbed Eve's hand pulling her over to her bed and helping her into bed tucking eve in love you too Eve" mal replied only to be met with the peaceful sound of eve sleeping. Sleep tight Sleeping beauty Mal said" kissing eves forehead this was where she belonged here with Eve. And Mal couldn't tell Eve she was planning on going back to the isle she couldn't break Eve's heart like that. 

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