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Mal sighed softly glancing at Eve's sleeping figure and smiled softly before walking over to Eve's bed and kissing Eve's forehead one last time Mal opened Eve's door and glanced at Eve one last time before shutting the door quietly so as not to wake Eve. Mal headed to her dorm room and opened her door walking into her dorm room shutting the door behind her finally alone with her thoughts Mal let the tears fall she was going back to the isle to protect Eve. Eve needed someone perfect to be her girlfriend and Mal couldn't fill that role for Eve. Mal would always be just the girl from the isle she had to escape this perfect facade she put on in auradon she had to stop thinking about how heartbroken Eve would be when eve found out that she'd went back to the isle for good Mal would never be good enough or perfect enough for someone like Eve. Mal sighed and jotted down a note before heading to Eve's dorm room and placing the note on Eve's bedside table before glancing at eve for the very last time and sighing she was doing this for eve. 

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