It's Just a Normal Day, Charlie Brown!

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I wake up in my bedroom. I'm used to waking up in this bedroom. It's a very boring bedroom, like myself.

It's a failure bedroom. I'm a failure.

This bedroom has seen me come home from every single game of baseball which I lose, and has seen me stay up all day and night wondering... "When do the good things start?"


Oh, now my stomach hurts. I don't like it when my stomach hurts. It means I'm full of anxiety... And I don't like anxiety...

But then again, I can't blame myself. My anxieties have anxieties. Poor anxiety.

I'm a loser.

But I always have this star in the sky that I look at each night... It is a very good sign to see your own star...

But then again, sometimes it's just a stupid plane, and that's why I wonder why the star is blinking and moving.

Well, it's no use to sit here and watch the Sun rise.

I decided to get up and choose my outfit for the day... Which is of course a yellow striped shirt with black shorts.

I can't help myself- every time I try to wear something new I can't stand it! The material is all wrong, I can't recognize myself... Now I finally understand Linus with his blanket problem... Although, I think it's silly that a shirt should provide constant security like his blanket... But as they say: "Only Charlie brown!"

I decide to walk into the pink bedroom down the hall to wake up my little sister Sally for school since, well, her alarm clock still isn't working. We got that alarm clock from our basement and still... It hasn't made a sound.

"Sally, it's time for school..." I shake her a bit.

"I'm not going today."

I sigh. We have this conversation every day. I love her, I really do, but she's always so stubborn!

"And why is that?" I ask.

I could already predict her answer: "Because I went yesterday."

"But Sally, mom got you a new lunchbox!" I say. It's true: Me and my mother both decided to buy Sally a new lunchbox, since it was getting near the deadline for Sally's "school patience"

"A new lunchbox?" The blonde ball of hair turned around to reveal my sister's little eyes "Well... Is it pink?"

"Bright pink."

Sally sat up.

"Well, if mom went through all that expense and trouble to get me a brand new pink lunchbox, I suppose I could go to school..." Her blonde, curly hair peeked out from under the covers.

"I'll see you in the kitchen."

I walked out into the kitchen to allow Sally to change when I saw my beagle, Snoopy.

He's not a normal dog, but I can't help it: He's my buddy. My pal. The Good Boy... At least, I try to make him a Good Boy. He hasn't played in a game of fetch since we got him at the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm.

But the thing that bugs me is that when I think he's making the big gourmet breakfast for me, I see him pull out his old red supperdish and snarf down the contents... I don't even know how he reached the cabinet for his food!

"Man's best friend." I mumble, rolling my eyes. "Have a nice day, Snoopy."

Snoopy couldn't hear me through his loud, obnoxious chewing.

Sally then entered the kitchen with her typical blue dress.

"Hey big Brother." Sally greeted me, taking her new pink lunchbox from the counter.

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