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"But alas, I'm sorry, but the payment you require is not with you." I heard my sister's voice say behind me.

Some high pitched barking was heard and she closed the door.

My sister is a genie looking thing with blue and pink mixed on her. Me, meanwhile, am just a head connected to a floating chest. She always complains about not having legs, but the rest of us hardly have a body to work with.

"Another power seeker, Ori?" I ask.

"You know it, Dum."

Yes, "Dum" is my name, don't. Ask.

"I don't understand why everyone's so thirsty for the power we hold in society." Ori signed, sitting down. "Is it that hard to just let us do the dirty work?"

"Well, did the other guy give the requested payment?"

"He got a watch, he got a drawing that I'm pretty sure was stolen from a kid, who doesn't seem to draw- his pen splattered on the thing. He also got a small piece of what seemed to be a blanket, he got what looked like Beethoven sheet music, recited the required prayer in front of me, but the only thing he didn't have was, again, Command."

"Why is it always Command that everyone doesn't get?"

"Well that's good. They don't know what the Command one is." Ori shrugged, "But get this: that guy who just failed looked like a walking beagle. He had this yellow bird on his head."

I squealed "IS IT SNOOPY?!"

Ori made a frustrated deep breath and sighed. "Yes, I think so. You and your stupid hyperfixations, Dum."

One reason I knew that right then and there was because I'm the "Thought of Fandoms". I know every single fandom. Me and my siblings are "Thoughts." we hold the powers resembling experiences of life. Mine relates to Music and Talking, Ori (The Thought of Gender and Sexual identity. . . Can you believe it?) Relates to Love and Truth. Eih (the Thought of Imagination. He's literally a giant eye.) Relates to Thinking and command. Fuh (The Thought of Hunger. She's a head.) Relates to Luck. Just luck. For a food thought. Anyways, the last one is Comm. The thought of Athleticism. He's the one that relates to Time. We haven't seen Comm forever, we don't know where he is how.

"Look, fangirling or not, we can't let anyone steal our powers. Especially weird dogs and eight year olds." Ori crossed her arms, "Thank the heavens that Eih is protecting the Fire, not you."

"So I let Percy Jackson steal a piece of the fire, so what?"


"You think you're soooo good with your Love and Truth powers." I snorted


The alarm! Someone's stolen the Fire!

"What the heck?" Ori shouted. We both ran to where the Fire is kept, and saw Eih trapped in his own creativity spells.

"Eih! What happened?! Who stole the fire?!" I asked as Ori studied where the Fire was kept.

"꓄ꁝꋬ꓄. . . ꇙ꓄꒤ꉣ꒐꒯. . ꃳꏂꋬꍌ꒒ꏂ!"

"Beagle?" Me and Ori asked, "SNOOPY!"

We both looked out of the Cloud and saw that beagle running away with the fire.

"That fires gonna turn into smoke once he gets down! Everyone's gonna get our powers now!" Ori groaned, "Look what you've done, Eih!"

"ꅐꏂ꒒꒒, ꋊꄲꅐ ꅐꏂ ꋊꏂꏂ꒯ ꓄ꄲ ꀘꋊꄲꅐ ꁝꄲꅐ ꓄ꄲ ꍌꏂ꓄ ꓄ꁝꋬ꓄ ꊰ꒐ꋪꏂ ꃳꋬꉔꀘ."

"You're right." Ori nodded, "What's a way to go down there without being bombarded with questions?"

"Comm?" Fuh, who had run in asked, "I mean, he is the only human looking one out of all of us."

"We haven't seen Comm in forever, Fuh." Ori sighed.

But that forever immediately changed as we saw a human looking, well, person running in.


"Oh how nice of you to finally join us after a THOUSAND YEARS!" Ori groaned

"When my powers weren't working, I knew something was off." Comm explained, "I'll go down there. I can blend in and get the Fire back. All I need are some false smoke."

Fuh floated away and came back with a canister in her mouth.

"If you eat that, Fuh, I swear to god-"

"I won't eat it, chill." Fuh mumbled, plopping the canister down on Comms hands

"I'll be back with our powers, don't worry." Comm promised, jumping out of the cloud

𝓟𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓾𝓽𝓼 𝓔𝓶𝓹𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭- ꃳꄲꄲꀘ ꄲꋊꏂWhere stories live. Discover now