What's up with your Blanket, Linus Van Pelt?

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Nothing special happened throughout the day, other than Snoopy meeting me on the school playground.

"Snoopy? But... There's no dogs here. No dogs allowed. Sorry, buddy." I looked down at the beagle, who shook his head.

Snoopy then started gesturing to my blanket, and then to me.

"Snoopy... If you're trying to steal my blanket again, you're in for a world of pain!" I warned him

He shook his head again and snapped his paws.

All of the sudden, Woodstock came tumbling down with his typewriter.

Snoopy tapped on the keys and showed me what he had written: What is that blanket to you?

"My blanket?" I ask, "Why?"

No time to explain... I'm trying to find out how to... Fine, me and Woodstock need to take it from you to offer it to gods.

I started to laugh.

"Gods! Good one, Snoopy." I continue, "But the blanket is like a friend to me. It's a very good thing that I have this blanket for comfort."

Then, Snoopy snipped a corner from my blanket and ran away.

"STUPID BEAGLE!" I shout. It wasn't a big corner, but I was still mad.

Nothing much happened after that...

Until we all heard a big BOOM erupt from somewhere outside as we all were walking home.

Well, I ended up being saved by Lucy.

"Linus, wake up, do you hear me?!" She asked, shaking me awake.

"Lucy?" I mumbled, "That... You?"

"It's me."

"Need... Blanket." I groaned, feeling around for my poor blanket.

I feel the fabric touch my hands, and I instantly started sucking on my thumb with it. That's the last thing I remember of that night- I must've fallen asleep.


"Linus," Lucy began, "Tell me why you don't want to interact with the people who also breathed in the smoke?"

I snapped into command and started "Because maybe you might take advantage of your ability and use it on others but mainly me."

Lucy was silent then turned around to face me. "Well, stay afraid. I'm enjoying this power for as long as it lasts."

I gulped and looked down at my living blanket and picked it up.

"Linus, freeze." Lucy ordered. As I was walking, I immediately froze in whatever position I was in. Lucy then walked far ahead of me.

"Not funny, Lucy!" I grunted, trying to move.

As she got to Schroeders house, she called over to me. "Alright, run over to me!"

I immediately ran over to her and glared at her. "What was that for?"

"It's funny." She smiled smugly.


"We just need to figure out how to reverse that phenomenon before we hurt anyone else." Schroeder sighed.

"Well... Let's figure this out." Charlie Brown started, "Maybe... Maybe while we're trying to figure out how this all happened, how about we keep this a secret and... Have meetings at a secret spot?"

"That's a good idea!" Sally gasped, "We can definitely do that!"

"How'd you think of that?" Lucy asked, "Your powers must've made you smarter!"

"What? Uh... Oh- sorry. I didn't. Schroeder thought of that. Sorry." Charlie Brown looked at the musician.

"This might be a problem. I was just about to say that!" Schroeder scolded.

Charlie Brown chuckled nervously. "Sorry, Schroeder."

"Well, the question is... Where should we meet?" Sally asked.

I looked around and shrugged. "The wall?"

"Everyone knows we hang out at the brick wall!" Schroeder said.

"Exactly. It won't seem suspicious." I smiled. My blanket started to nudge me. "Are you agreeing with me, friend?" I ask hesitantly. I'm talking to my own blanket. "Nudge my hand if yes."

Nudge, nudge.

"The blanket can think!" Lucy threw her arms in the air.

"If the once intimate object can understand us, I say we follow it." Snoopy said.

Really? Does everyone agree with me?

"Of course we do, Linus." Charlie Brown smiled, then his face fell as he slapped his mouth shut. "Sorry."

I looked at Charlie Brown and smiled at my friend. "It's fine, Charlie Brown."

"No, I should try to not respond to thoughts."

"What? What'd he think about?" Lucy questioned.

"He wondered if we agreed with him on the place."

"I guess." Schroeder shrugged.

"Yeah." Sally and Snoopy nodded.

Lucy then hesitantly said. "Fine. But if we're found out because we're out in the open, your blanket's to blame."

I looked around at my friends. My fellow kids who got into the same predicament. Kites and baseball games aside, now it was the problem of a mind reader, a good luck charm, a queen, a magic musician, talking dog, and a living blanket.


So there you go! It gives more lore and makes you wonder what was that shooting star? Were the Valentine's torn up with the blanket to make... A wish? (Foreshadowing alert) 

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