Birth of the Queen

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It was the last day of July in 1980 at midnight, you could see a red full moon, flowers bloomed, vegetables grew more quickly everywhere, waves got more intense in the seas, and lightning shattered the sky, illuminating everything.

It was the last day of July in 1980 at midnight, you could see a red full moon, flowers bloomed, vegetables grew more quickly everywhere, waves got more intense in the seas, and lightning shattered the sky, illuminating everything

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The scene shifts to a chamber in St. Mungo's hospital where a woman with flaming red hair and green eyes is lying in the bed and is surrounded by her husband, nurses, and healers, looking extremely sweaty and very exhausted.

The healer Pomphrey said, "Lily, I need you to start pushing. Push.!"

Lily screams and pushes harder, gripping her husband's hands in the process.

James After we leave here, I'm going to kill you. Lily yelled.

Lily-Pad, we are all almost done. You are doing well. Said a smiling James.

The nurse in the room chuckled in the background.

That's it; we're almost there, Pomphrey said.

A newborn enters the room and begins to cry after a short while. causing the room's windows to shatter.

As she holds the baby, Madam Pomphrey "congratulates Lady Potter, It's a female. Also, it appears that your daughter will grow up to be a formidable witch"

Did you feel that? said Bonnie looking at fansaticly.

Your daughter has very powerful magic in her said Freya 

James, Lily, and Sirius smiled at her.

Kol looked at the baby with a love that didn't was only noticed by Rebecca who looked startled by it.

 She charmed every woman in the room since she was so beautiful.

OMG, she is so beautiful said Elena and Caroline.

"My baby girl." Lily held the infant close to her while praising it "My darling, my life, oh my precious, born from a parent's love."

What should we call her? James asked as he stroked the baby's jet-black hair. What would be the ideal moniker for her?

Remus and Sirius raced into the door asking whether their goddaughter had arrived yet.

"Way to ruin our moment, Padfoot Moony." Said an irritated James.

Oh man, did he just get cuckold?" said a laughing Damon and Blaise.

James looked at them irritatedly.

"Moony, Padfoot, look at her; she is perfect," Lily smiling, gazing lovingly at the infant.

Sirius looked at the bundle in Lily's arms in delight "Oh my, look at pub; she is so cute", said a childish Sirius.

Lily chuckled at the excited face of Sirius.

"We are deciding on a good name for her. Do you have any suggestions?" James continued.

"Me? Are you sure?" Spoke Sirius.

"Well you are also her father, do you have any suggestion on what should we name this precious princess?" Said, James

"Well..." Sirius paused while looking at the baby. "How about Aster Ioanthe Potter?"

That's a very beautiful name said Bonnie.

Lily, Remus, and James looked at him shocked.

"What just because I am childish and do pranks doesn't mean I would name my goddaughter something stupid."

All of them in the room laughed at that.

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